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ugh reasonable selection and design, make it have the characteristics of simple and practical structure, convenient operation, and easy maintenance. According to the design method of gantry crane, the main beam, legs, end beam, trolley, and running mechanism of the crane are mainly designed and calculated.
Keywords: box girder, single main girder, gantry crane
The gantry crane is an essential equipment for the development of the national economy. In this paper, a 16t / 22m box-type single main girder gantry crane is designed to meet the needs of handling items in the railway industry. Through reasonable selection and design, the crane is made to have a simple and practical structure, convenient operation, and easy maintenance.
The design of the gantry crane includes the main beam, legs, end beam, trolley, and running mechanism. Each component is carefully designed and calculated to ensure the efficiency and safety of the crane. The key features of this gantry crane design are the box-type structure, single main girder design, and the use of advanced technology to optimize the performance of the crane.
Overall, this gantry crane design is a practical and efficient solution for handling items in the railway industry. It incorporates modern design techniques and materials to ensure the durability and reliability of the crane. With its simple and user-friendly design, this gantry crane will be a valuable asset for any industrial operation.
Keywords: gantry crane, design, box-type, single main girder, railway industry, efficiency, reliability, durability.
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