C++17 STL入门:新特性详解与实战应用

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C++17 STL标准库学习教材电子版深入讲解了C++17的新语言特性,这些特性对提升代码的可读性、可维护性和表达性至关重要。章节1首先介绍了C++17与早期版本的区别,强调了C++标准不仅规范语言,还支持更好地理解和使用STL。 1.1 结构化绑定(Structured Bindings):这是C++17的一大亮点,它允许程序员通过语法糖自动推导出从容器(如std::pair、tuple或自定义结构体)中提取数据的类型,并且提供了更简洁的赋值方式。例如,以前在访问std::pair中的元素时,可能需要显式指定索引,而在C++17中,可以直接通过结构化绑定获取并赋值: ```cpp std::pair<int, int> result = divide_remainder(10, 3); // C++17 auto [integerPart, remainder] = result; // 结构化绑定,更直观易读 // 在C++17之前: int integerPartOld = result.first; int remainderOld = result.second; ``` 新引入的if和switch语句也改进了作用域控制,使得变量的作用范围更为明确,避免了不必要的混淆。此外,C++17引入了新的括号初始化语法,消除了与C++11类似语法的潜在歧义,提高了代码的清晰度。 模板类的实例类型推断更加智能,通过constexpr-if可以轻松地实现不同类型的模板类特化,避免了冗余的代码。折叠表达式(Fold Expressions)在处理模板函数的可变参数列表时,简化了编写过程,提高了效率。 声明内联变量在库开发中变得更为方便,可以在头文件中定义全局静态对象,不再仅限于函数内部,这对于库的设计者来说是个巨大的提升。 尽管这些高级特性对于库开发者可能更有吸引力,但对于应用程序开发者来说,理解它们将有助于写出更现代、高效的C++代码。然而,阅读全书时,不需要立即掌握所有示例,随着后续章节的学习,这些概念将逐渐融入到实际编程中。
2017-12-30 上传
C++17 - The Complete Guide by Nicolai M. Josuttis Giving guidance on how to use Language and Library Features of C++17 For programmers, who want to switch to the latest version of Modern C++ C++17 i s the next evolution in modern C++ programming, which is already at least partially supported by the latest version of gcc, clang, and Visual C++. Although it is not as big a step as C++11, it contains a large number of small and valuable language and library features, which again will change the way we program in C++. This applies to both application programers and programmers providing foundation libraries. This book will present all the new language and library features in C++17. It will cover the motivation and context of each new feature with examples and background information. As usual for books by Nicolai Josuttis, the focus lies on the application of the new features in practice and will demonstrate how features impact day-to-day programming and how to benefit from them in projects. Nicolai M. Josuttis is an independent technical consultant who designs mid-sized and large software systems for the telecommunication, traffic, finance, and manufacturing industries. For almost 20 years he is a member of the C++ Standard Committee (library working group). He is well known in the programming community for his authoritative books. In addition to The C++ Standard Library, a worldwide best-seller since its first publication in 1999, his books include C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (with David Vandevoorde and Doug Gregor, Addison-Wesley, 2017) and SOA in Practice: The Art of Distributed System Design (O'Reilly Media, 2007).