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《iOS与OS X网络编程指南》是一本专注于iOS和OS X环境下的网络应用程序开发的专业书籍,由Jon Hoffman编著,由Packt Publishing出版。该书在2014年首次发行,版权受到严格保护,未经作者和出版社事先书面许可,不得进行任何形式的复制、存储或传输。书中汇集了超过50个实用的配方或示例,旨在帮助读者深入理解和掌握在iOS和OS X平台上进行网络编程的技术。 这本书覆盖了广泛的网络编程主题,包括但不限于TCP/IP协议、HTTP、HTTPS、Socket编程、网络服务(如Web服务、RESTful API)、多线程网络通信、网络错误处理、网络安全以及用户体验优化等。它不仅适合有iOS或OS X开发经验的开发者,对于想要扩展技能包至网络编程领域的程序员也极具价值。 书中强调了实践性,通过实例展示如何在实际项目中应用网络编程技巧,读者可以跟随作者逐步构建功能丰富的网络应用。此外,虽然作者和出版社已尽力确保信息的准确性,但读者在使用书中的内容时需理解,所有提供的信息都是基于当时的知识,可能不适用于所有新版本的iOS和OS X系统,或者随着技术的更新而有所变化。 《iOS与OS X网络编程指南》不仅传授理论知识,还提供了宝贵的经验分享,帮助开发者避免常见问题,提高网络应用的性能和安全性。对于任何希望在移动设备上构建高效网络连接应用的开发者来说,这是一本不可多得的参考和实践手册。通过阅读和实践书中的内容,读者将能提升自己的技术栈,更好地应对现代移动平台的挑战。
2012-05-15 上传
Apress, 2011 Kernel development can be a daunting task and is very different from programming traditional user applications. The kernel environment is more volatile and complex. Extraordinary care must be taken to ensure that kernel code is free of bugs because any issue may have serious consequences to the stability, security, and performance of the system. This book covers the fundamentals necessary to begin programming in the kernel. We cover kernel development from a theoretical and practical point of view. We cover concepts fundamental to kernel development such as virtual memory and synchronization, as well as more practical knowledge. The book primarily focuses on Mac OS X, however the XNU kernel is also used by iOS, and hence the theoretical material in this book will also apply to it. By far the most common reason for doing development within the kernel’s execution environment is to implement a device driver for controlling internal or external hardware devices. Because of this, much of the focus of this book is centred on the development of device drivers. The primary framework for device driver development in the XNU kernel is I/O Kit, which we cover extensively. As theory becomes boring quickly we have provided working code samples which you can play with to learn more or use as a starting point for your own drivers. We hope you have as much fun reading this book as we have enjoyed writing it. The book was written for anyone interested in Apple’s iOS and Mac OS X operating systems, with a focus on practical kernel development, especially driver devel. Regardless of whether you are a hobbyist, student, or professional engineer, we hope to provide you with material of interest. While the focus is on kernel programming and development, we will cover many theoretical aspects of OS technology and provide a detailed overview of the OS X and iOS kernel environments. The aim of the book is to provide the knowledge necessary to start developing your own kernel extensions and drivers. We will focus in particular on the I/O Kit framework for writing device drivers and extensions, but we will also cover general knowledge that will give you a deeper understanding of how I/O Kit interacts with the OS. If you are mainly interested in developing OS X or iOS user applications, this book may not be for you. We will not cover Cocoa or any other framework used for developing end-user applications. This book covers kernel-programming topics such as driver and kernel extension development on Apple’s OS X and iOS platform. Some knowledge of operating system internals will be useful in understanding the concepts discussed in this book. Having completed an introductory computer science or engineering course will be a helpful starting point. Additionally, knowledge of at least one programming language will be required in order to understand examples throughout the book. Since we focus on I/O Kit, which is written in a subset of C++ called Embedded C++, it would be highly beneficial to have some experience with C++ (or at least C) to make the most of this book. The book does not cover general programming topics or theory. We will briefly cover some fundamentals of OS theory to provide a context for further discussions. amazon link: