An Interventional Treatment Plan
System Design on Liver Tumor
谢小辉 张磊 余小舫 杜如虚
1 Introduction
nterventional treatment procedure is more popular
used in hospital than before, since this technique gives
substantially less trauma for the patient. Image-guided
navigation technique is important in interventional
treatment procedure because enhanced medical image can
provide much more guide information than traditional
Image-guided system also provide intuitive 3D
information by graphic models; thus physicians do not
need envisage a 3D space based on a series of 2D slices.
Such a navigation system can contribute to abdominal
interventions such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or
percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) for liver
An interventional navigation system by J.Hong and
H.Nakashima etc. using slicer with MRI and US images
is designed. Their preliminary results of phantom and
animal experiments are achieved. And the results show
that this method can utilize the advantage of both MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Image) and Ultrasound. And the
is applied in PEIT (Percutaneous Ethanol Injection
Therapy) of two patients
. Emad M.Boctor and Gabor
Fichinger etc. have developed a system using slicer with
the passive mechanical arm to do the liver ablation.
The system can be used in ex-vivo on animal models
and eventually human cadaver teats, in order to address
uncertainties in real-time tracking and deformation
Currently, it is found no image navigation system on
liver tumor is applied in the hospital. Doctors carry on
the treatment procedure depending on their experiences
by natural medical image like CT, Ultrasound etc. In
order to assist doctors in work, an image navigation
system is developed by us. Interventional treatment plan
is important in image navigation procedure, so this paper
will give a detailed description about the plan system
Theory and Modeling
n this section, It is introduced some foundation theory
which will be used in the interventional treatment plan
system, including the displaying technique like window/
level, threshold, and image histogram, the segmentation
technique like region growing segmentation and level
set segmentation, etc, and also rendering technique like
surface rendering and volume rendering
2.1 Displaying DICOM Data Module
stored in 12 bits or 16 bits. And also the grayscale
value always distributed from -2000 to 2000 with 4000
intensities, but the computer can only display 256 level’
摘 要
ABSTRACT Interventional treatment becomes increasingly popular since this technique means substantially less trauma
for the patient. By using VTK and ITK to build a plan system, the treatment can be high efciency. VTK is responsible
for visualization, while the ITK take care of the image segmentation and registration. By combining VTK and ITK, and
using Qt as the user interface, an interventional treatment plan system is built. This system has nished several mainly
functions, like DICOM data displaying in multi-planar reformation, manual segmentation, semi-automatic segmentation,
surface rendering using marching cubes algorithm, volume rendering using volume ray casting algorithm. In the end an
interventional treatment plan system has been developed based on the medical inspection.
KEYWORDS Interventional treatment; Visualization; Segmentation; VTK; ITK