2.2 Object Modeling and Localization
Many existing methods for object detection represent objects
with appearance [5], [6], [30], [31], such as HOG [5] features.
Lai et al. [6] extended the HOG features to RGB-D images.
Such features are often weakened by low resolution, heavy
occlusion, and large appearance variation. To solve such
problems, contextual information was introduced into object
modeling. The methods in [32] and [33] incorporated rela-
tions with other objects to improve detection or recognition.
Zhao and Zhu [9] defined objects by integrating function,
geometry, and appearance information. Gupta et al. [10]
extended object localization and recognition to human-cen-
tric scene understanding by inferring human and 3D scene
interactions. These methods aim at object detection or recog-
nition in still images.
Some studies aim at recognizing and localizing objects in
videos [15], [34]. Gupta et al. [34] labeled objects according
to human actions in videos. The method in [15] tracked
objects in each video frame. In comparison, our method
localizes objects in both 3D point clouds and 2D images,
and does not need accurate initialization of object locations.
2.3 Human-Object Interaction and Affordance
The concept of affordance was originally studied by Gibson
[7] and further developed by many studies to describe the
relations between organisms (humans) and environments
(objects) [35], [36], [37], [38], [39]. Many researchers have
recently applied human-object relations to event, object, and
scene modeling [10], [15], [34], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45],
[46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51]. Gupta et al. [34] combined spa-
tial and functional constraints between humans and objects
to recognize actions and objects. Prest et al. [44] inferred spa-
tial information of objects by modeling 2D geometric rela-
tions between human bodies and objects. Yao and Fei-
Fei [46] detected objects by modeling relations between
actions, objects, and poses in still images. These methods
define the human-object interactions in 2D images. Such con-
textual cues are often weakened by viewpoint change and
occlusion. Koppula et al. [15] modeled relations between
human activities and object affordance, and their changes
over time. This method requires videos to be pre-segmented,
and the object detection is independent of human actions.
Our model incorporates event recognition, segmentation,
and object localization into a unified framework, under
which these tasks mutually facilitate each other.
Human-object interactions are also used in robotics [52],
[53], [54]. Aksoy et al. [52] recognized manipulations by
learning object-action semantics. W
otter et al. [53] mod-
eled manipulation actions for robot task execution. This
stream of research demonstrates the significance of human-
object interactions from the perspective of robot learning
and task execution.
2.4 Action Structure Learning
Many existing approaches mine action structures by
explicitly modeling the latent structures [2], [4], [25],
[27], [55]. HMM [2] learned the hidden states a nd transi-
tion probabilities with maximum likelihood estimation.
Hidden conditional random fiel d (HCRF) [55] learned
the hidden structures of actions in a discriminative way.
These methods define the temporal structures on video
frames or fixed-size video segments, which can not effec-
tively characterize nor utilize the duration information of
hidden structures.
Yao and Fei-Fei [46] defined atomic poses in still images
and learned them through clustering human poses.
Zhou et al. [4] segmented an action sequence into motion
primitives with hierarchical cluster analysis. These cluster-
ing methods are under the framework similar to the expec-
tation-maximization (EM) clustering [12]. Conventional EM
does not consider the temporal order of sequence frames,
which may produce undesirable clustering results. For
example, as is shown in Fig. 3, the poses of approach the dis-
penser and leave the dispenser are very similar. Without con-
sidering the temporal order, these two poses may be
clustered into the same cluster. Though the method in [4]
introduced the temporal order into clustering, it did not
consider the mutual constraints among the sequences of the
same category, but rather carried out the frame clustering
for each independent sequence.
2.5 Our Contributions
In comparison with the previous work, this paper makes
four contributions.
1. It presents a 4D human-object interaction model as a
stochastic hierarchical spatial-temporal graph, which
represents the 3D human-object relations and the
temporal relations between atomic events in RGB-D
2. It develops a unified framework for joint inference of
event recognition, sequence segmentation, and object
3. It proposes an unsupervised algorithm to learn the
latent temporal structures of events and the model
parameters from sequence samples.
4. It tests the model on three challenging datasets, and
the performance demonstrates the strength of the
As Fig. 3 illustrates , the 4DHOI model is a hierarchical
graph for an event. On the time axis, an event is decom-
the event fetch water from dispenser is decomposed into
Fig. 3. A hierarchical graph of the 4D human-object interactions for an
example event fetch water from dispenser.