
需积分: 0 0 下载量 75 浏览量 更新于2024-01-10 收藏 1.53MB PDF 举报
WorldSteel's recent publication on global steel industry statistics for 2019 highlights the central role of the steel industry in driving global economic growth. According to the World Steel Association's short-term steel demand forecast released in April, it is predicted that global steel demand will continue to grow in 2019 and 2020, albeit at a slower pace due to the overall slowdown in the global economy. However, the forecast for short-term steel demand is also subject to downside risks arising from the ongoing uncertainty in the global trade environment and volatility in financial markets. At the time of writing this summary, the prevailing situation remains unchanged. In a recent collaboration with the Oxford Economics, the World Steel Association conducted a global economic modeling exercise, which revealed that the steel industry generated a staggering $2.5 trillion in revenue and nearly $5 trillion in value added in 2017. Moreover, for every $1 of value added created in the steel industry through the purchase of raw materials, intermediate goods, energy, and outward spending on services, it resulted in the generation of $2.5 in value added across other sectors of the global economy. The study also shed light on the employment impact of the steel industry, indicating that over 6 million people globally are employed in the steel industry, and for every 2 jobs created in the steel industry, it leads to the creation of 13 jobs in the global steel supply chain. This implies that the total number of employees in the global steel supply chain is approximately 40 million. Members of the World Steel Association can access the complete report through the member's extranet, while other visitors can obtain it by logging onto the World Steel Association's official website at wor.
2024-12-26 上传