
0 下载量 34 浏览量 更新于2024-02-28 收藏 2.96MB PDF 举报
The COWON AN2 user guide and brand manual provide important information regarding the proper use and trademark protections of the COWON AN2 and related products. The user guide emphasizes the trademarks and copyrights associated with the Auto Capsule and COWON brands, highlighting the importance of respecting intellectual property rights. In addition, the manual emphasizes the significance of following precautions while using the AN2 and understanding that all content in the manual is protected under copyright laws. The COWON AN2 user guide specifies that the trademarks of Auto Capsule and COWON are owned by COWON SYSTEMS Inc., and all rights to the program are reserved by the company and protected under copyright laws. This emphasizes the legal ownership of the brand and product, and highlights the legal consequences of any infringement. Furthermore, the manual stresses that all other products and services listed in the manual are the registered trademarks and services of the corresponding copyright owners, promoting a respect for intellectual property and the recognition of the rights of other brands and businesses. By highlighting these precautions and legal protections, the COWON AN2 user guide and brand manual acts as a comprehensive resource for users, ensuring that they are well-informed about the legal responsibilities and protections associated with the product. It also emphasizes the importance of respecting intellectual property and copyright laws, promoting a culture of legal compliance and ethical usage of the product. In summary, the COWON AN2 user guide and brand manual provide essential information about the trademarks, copyrights, and precautions associated with the product, reinforcing the legal protections of the brand and promoting responsible and ethical use of the product. It serves as a valuable resource for users, ensuring that they are aware of their legal responsibilities and rights when using the AN2.