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这是一篇关于古诗词交流网站的系统论文。随着互联网的高速发展,电子商务平台也随之出现,我们国家一直倡导“文以载道”“诗以言志”,作为表达人的情感和思想的方式,诗词在学生的情感和价值观方面扮演着重要角色,其在文学领域的地位也不可忽视。随着计算机、多媒体和网络技术的快速发展,利用互联网平台来帮助学生交流学习古诗文,学生可以通过广泛的网络学习资源,摆脱时间和空间的限制,为学生和教师提供交流和沟通的场所,激发学生学习古诗文的兴趣。 从长远来看,通过构建诗词网站,可以提高人们的生活质量和水平,同时也能提高人们对诗词的欣赏水平。通过开发诗词网站,我们不仅可以更好地了解诗词的信息,还可以为广大用户提供一个方便的学习和交流平台。本系统采用了BS架构,使用JSP技术和MySQL数据库进行管理,方便系统的开发和部署,在使用方面具有很高的价值,在未来的扩展中也有着更好的发展思路,具有一定的推广作用。 关键词:诗词网站;古诗词;BS架构 Abstract This is a system of poetry exchange website. With the rapid development of the internet, electronic commerce platforms have emerged. In our country, ancient culture promotes the idea of "culture to carry Dao" and "poetry to express aspirations". As a form of expressing aspirations, poetry has an irreplaceable influence on students' emotions and values. Its position in literature is beyond doubt. With the rapid development of computer technology, multimedia technology, and network technology, using a poetry exchange platform to help students communicate and learn ancient poetry can enable students to utilize the extensive resources available on the internet, breaking through the constraints of time and space, and providing a place for students and teachers to communicate and interact, stimulating students' interest in learning ancient poetry. In the long run, the establishment of a poetry website can improve people's quality of life and living standards, as well as enhance people's appreciation of poetry. By developing a poetry website, we can not only gain a better understanding of information related to poetry, but also provide a convenient platform for learning and communication for users. This system adopts the BS architecture, using JSP technology and MySQL database for management, which facilitates development and deployment. It has high practical value and great potential for expansion and promotion in the future. Keywords: poetry website; ancient poetry; BS architecture