"TI-TPS2663.pdf: 电源保护与监控解决方案"
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The TI-TPS2663.pdf is a comprehensive document providing detailed information on the TPS2663, a protected supply for load monitoring and control. The document outlines the various components and design considerations necessary for the proper functioning of the TPS2663. It includes a thorough explanation of the system's block diagram, featuring VIN_SYS, VOUT, ISURGE, PG, GOOD, D1, *R1, R2, R3, TPS26630/31, Cd, Vd, TRILIM, RILON, R4, R5, Protected supply, To Load, Load Monitor, ON/OFF Control, INB_GATEDRV, IN_SYS, UVLO, OVP, MODE, GND, OUTPG, TH, FLT, SHDN, IMON, ILIM, dV/dT, and 4.5V-60V. Additionally, the document provides optional components for RCB and RPP, such as a TVS for Surge Suppression Only and COUT. It further offers details about the product folder, technical documents, and tools available for reference and order. Overall, the TI-TPS2663.pdf serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and utilizing the TPS2663, ensuring the proper functioning and implementation of the protected supply system for load monitoring and control.
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