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pecially enterprise network users, must take sufficient security measures, and even at all costs in a situation of balanced interests. In fact, many Internet users, network managers, and enterprise executives know the importance of network security, but do not know where the hidden dangers of network security come from, let alone what measures to take to prevent them. Therefore, for Internet users, mastering the necessary network security measures is necessary, especially for network administrators who need to master network security technologies to build and maintain network system security.
This thesis introduces the overview of network security, network security technologies, and network security vulnerability analysis in the first four chapters; it introduces the current situation of network security in China and the challenges faced by network security, as well as an analysis of vulnerability classification. The fifth chapter mainly discusses the necessity of vulnerability scanning systems, as only by discovering vulnerabilities can enterprise network security order be better maintained. The sixth chapter mainly focuses on practical solutions, introducing wireless network security combat, using practical solutions to illustrate the theme.
Keywords: Network Security, Vulnerabilities, Solutions
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