Chiral plasmonic nanostructure of twistedly stacked
Jian Zhang (张 鉴)
, Rui Tu (屠 蕊)
, Chao Huang (黄 超)
, Xiaoli Yao (姚小莉)
, Xin Hu (胡 鑫)
Haixiong Ge (葛海雄)
, and Xuefeng Zhang (张雪峰)
Institute of Advanced Magnetic Materials, College of Materials & Environmental Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
College of Electronics and Information, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
*Corresponding author: jianzhang@hdu.edu.cn
**Corresponding author: zhang@hdu.edu.cn
Received July 13, 2020 | Accepted September 4, 2020 | Posted Online November 30, 2020
Nanogap plasmonic structures with strong coupling between separated components have different responses to orthogo-
nal-polarized light, giving rise to giant optical chirality. Here, we proposed a three-dimensional (3D) nanostructure that
consists of two vertically and twistedly aligned nanogaps, showing the hybridized charge distribution within 3D structures.
It is discovered that the structure twisted by 60° exhibits plasmonic coupling behavior with/without gap modes for different
circular-polarized plane waves, showing giant chiral response of 60% at the wavelength of 1550 nm. By controlling the disk
radius and the insulator layer, the circular dichroism signal can be further tuned between 1538 and 1626 nm.
Keywords: metal-insulator-metal structure; nanogaps; gap mode; twisted stacking; charge distribution; chiral response.
DOI: 10.3788/COL202119.013601
1. Introduction
Localized surface plasmons (LSPs)
are collective charge
oscillations confined within the interface between the noble
metal nanoparticles and the surrounding dielectric medium,
and the resonance is sensitively related with the structural geom-
etry, material, and environment
. It has been proved that LSP
nanostructures with spatial asymmetry own different coupling
behaviors for polarized light of opposite handedness and exhibit
artificially designed chiral responses
Nanogap structures, such as dimers, bowties, and pairs of
semicircles and rods, can confine the electromagnetic field
into the narrow gaps or at the sides of particles with different
incident polarizations
. Due to this polarization-sensitive
resonance, the chiral responsibility of nanogap structures is
studied. Until now, planar nanogap structures, including dol-
men structures
, split rings
, and vortex gaps
, were
developed for giant chiral response.
Recently, metal–insulator–metal (MIM) three-dimensional
(3D) nanostructures have attracted extensive concerns in the
researches of plasmonics. It has been demonstrat ed that, by
stacking layer by layer, the vertically aligned plasmonic struc-
tures can induce complicated charge distribution within 3D
. Furthermore, the twistedly stacked MIM struc-
tures can lead to the 3D-twisted charge distribution and realize
higher-order or hybridized modes for chiral response
In this work, we studied the chiral response with 3D-stacked
nanogap structures. This chiral MIM nanostructure consists of
two vertically and twistedly aligned nanodisks with a nanogap,
resulting in hybridized charge distribution between two layers.
Excited with right-handed circular-polarized (RCP) and left-
handed circular-polarized (LCP) plane waves, the stacked struc-
ture twisted at 60° exhibits plasmonic coupling behaviors with/
without gap modes, respectively, showing a giant chiral response
(ΔT) of 60% at the wavelength of 1550 nm. This chiral response
can be further tuned by controlling the particle size and the insu-
lator layer of the structure.
2. Methodology
To understand the hybridization mechanism, plasmonic modes
in nanogap structures are investigated firstly. It has been previ-
ously proved that nanogap structures own different LSP cou-
pling performances corresponding to the alignment between
the polarization and gap
. When the incident polarization
is perpendicular to the gap, the near-field intensity is confined
within the gap area, called as gap mode [shown in Fig. 1(a), panel
(1)]. When the incident polarization is parallel with the gap, the
charge distribution and the near-field intensity are located at the
sides of the components, which is similar to LSP coupling behav-
ior of single particles (SPs), named the SP mode here [shown in
Vol. 19, No. 1 | January 2021
© 2021 Chinese Optics Letters 013601-1 Chinese Optics Letters 19(1), 013601 (2021)