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《Java网络编程第四版》是一本由Elliotte Rusty Harold所著的专业IT技术书籍,针对Java语言在网络编程领域的卓越应用进行了深入剖析。自Java诞生以来,其在业界的影响力迅速增长,尤其是在互联网飞速发展的背景下,许多初学者可能会感到网络编程在Java中仍然相对复杂。然而,实际上,利用Java的核心API,编写网络程序可以变得相当简单,这本书将揭示这一过程。 该书适合有Unix、Windows或Macintosh环境网络编程经验的读者,他们将惊讶于在Java中实现类似功能的便捷性。书中涵盖了众多实用的主题,如: 1. **HTTP协议下的Web浏览**:Java提供了方便的接口来处理HTTP请求,使得开发Web应用程序更加高效。 2. **多线程服务器设计**:Java的并发编程模型,如NIO(Non-blocking I/O),使得构建高性能服务器变得简单,能够处理大量并发连接。 3. **安全通信**:通过Java的加密库,可以轻松实现数据的保密性、认证和消息完整性,确保通信的安全性。 4. **GUI客户端开发**:为网络服务设计用户界面,使得交互式网络体验更加友好。 5. **数据提交与服务器端程序交互**:Java的Socket API和相关的类库,便于客户端与服务器进行数据交换。 6. **DNS查询**:利用Java处理域名解析,查找主机地址。 7. **匿名FTP文件下载**:展示了如何使用Java进行文件下载,包括基本的FTP操作。 8. **底层网络通信**:通过套接字编程,开发者可以触及到更底层的网络通信机制。 9. **网络广播(Multicast)**:利用Java的多播功能,实现向网络中的所有主机发送数据。 《Java网络编程第四版》于2013年发布,强调了其对最新版本Java API的兼容和支持,包括NIO等现代网络编程技术。此外,本书还提供了详细的示例代码和实用的技巧,旨在帮助读者快速掌握并充分利用Java的网络编程能力。无论你是网络编程的初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员,这本书都是提升Java网络编程技能的宝贵资源。
2016-07-22 上传
*** Key Features *** * Learn to deliver superior server-to-server communication through the networking channels * Gain expertise of the networking features of your own applications to support various network architectures such as client/server and peer-to-peer * Explore the issues that impact scalability, affect security, and allow applications to work in a heterogeneous environment *** Book Description *** Network-aware applications are becoming more prevalent and play an ever-increasing role in the world today. Connecting and using an Internet-based service is a frequent requirement for many applications. Java provides numerous classes that have evolved over the years to meet evolving network needs. These range from low-level socket and IP-based approaches to those encapsulated in software services. This book explores how Java supports networks, starting with the basics and then advancing to more complex topics. An overview of each relevant network technology is presented followed by detailed examples of how to use Java to support these technologies. We start with the basics of networking and then explore how Java supports the development of client/server and peer-to-peer applications. The NIO packages are examined as well as multitasking and how network applications can address practical issues such as security. A discussion on networking concepts will put many network issues into perspective and let you focus on the appropriate technology for the problem at hand. The examples used will provide a good starting point to develop similar capabilities for many of your network needs. *** What you will learn *** * Connect to other applications using sockets * Use channels and buffers to enhance communication between applications * Access network services and develop client/server applications * Explore the critical elements of peer-to-peer applications and current technologies available * Use UDP to perform multicasting * Address scalability through the use of co