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"ARM System Developer's Guide 是一本专为ARM体系结构系统开发者设计和优化系统软件的重要参考资料。该书深入探讨了ARM指令集的使用以及汇编语言的优化技巧,同时涵盖了C语言编程和数字信号处理的优化策略。作者团队包括在ARM处理器领域有深厚经验的专业人士,如Andrew N. Sloss和Dominic Symes,他们提供了丰富的实践经验和技术洞察。" 本书由Andrew N. Sloss撰写,他在计算机科学领域拥有丰富的经验,自1987年起就参与了ARM处理器的相关工作。他设计了在ARM2和ARM3处理器上运行的首批中文和埃及象形文字编辑系统,并在ARM公司担任技术销售工程师,为开发新产品的企业提供咨询和支持。 Dominic Symes是ARM Ltd.的一名软件工程师,自1995年以来专注于基于ARM的嵌入式软件开发。他在牛津大学获得了数学学士和博士学位,并早在1989年就开始编程ARM处理器。这两位作者的专业背景确保了本书内容的权威性和实用性。 "ARM System Developer's Guide"不仅介绍了ARM指令集的基础知识,还详细阐述了如何通过汇编语言实现高效的代码编写。对于那些希望提升系统性能的开发者来说,书中关于汇编语言的优化处理部分尤为重要。此外,对于使用C语言进行系统级编程的开发者,书中提供的C语言优化策略将帮助他们更好地利用ARM架构的优势。 数字信号处理(DSP)是现代电子设备中的关键组成部分,尤其是在嵌入式系统中。本书也涉及了在ARM平台上进行DSP优化的技巧,这对于需要处理大量实时数据的应用(如音频、视频编码和解码、图像处理等)至关重要。 "ARM System Developer's Guide"是针对ARM架构系统开发者的宝贵资源,无论你是新手还是经验丰富的工程师,都能从中学习到如何设计和优化高效、高性能的系统软件。通过深入理解ARM指令集和优化技术,读者将能够创建出更适应硬件特性的高效代码,从而提高系统整体的运行效率。
2013-08-17 上传
Over the last ten years, the ARM architecture has become one of the most pervasive architectures in the world, with more than 2 billion ARM-based processors embedded in products ranging from cell phones to automotive braking systems. A world-wide community of ARM developers in semiconductor and product design companies includes software developers, system designers and hardware engineers. To date no book has directly addressed their need to develop the system and software for an ARM-based system. This text fills that gap. This book provides a comprehensive description of the operation of the ARM core from a developer's perspective with a clear emphasis on software. It demonstrates not only how to write efficient ARM software in C and assembly but also how to optimize code. Example code throughout the book can be integrated into commercial products or used as templates to enable quick creation of productive software. The book covers both the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, covers Intel's XScale Processors, outlines distinctions among the versions of the ARM architecture, demonstrates how to implement DSP algorithms, explains exception and interrupt handling, describes the cache technologies that surround the ARM cores as well as the most efficient memory management techniques. A final chapter looks forward to the future of the ARM architecture considering ARMv6, the latest change to the instruction set, which has been designed to improve the DSP and media processing capabilities of the architecture. * No other book describes the ARM core from a system and software perspective. * Author team combines extensive ARM software engineering experience with an in-depth knowledge of ARM developer needs. * Practical, executable code is fully explained in the book and available on the publisher's Website. * Includes a simple embedded operating system.