2022年EJB 3.0依赖值对象Java教程:实体Bean属性及注释运用
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收藏 15KB DOCX 举报
DependencyValue objects in EJB 3.0 development guide are an essential part of Java programming. These objects can be used as attributes of entity beans and can include basic Java objects, Date objects, and even other Java objects. Unlike associated entity beans, dependency value objects rely on the main entity bean for persistence, and collections of value objects are not supported in EJB 3.0.
Dependency value objects do not support inheritance, although this may be explored in EJB 3.1. To indicate that a class is a dependency value object, the @DependentObject annotation must be used.
Overall, understanding and utilizing dependency value objects is crucial in EJB 3.0 development as they play a significant role in managing and organizing data within Java applications. With the proper implementation of dependency value objects, developers can improve the efficiency and structure of their applications, leading to better overall performance and maintainability.
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-12 上传
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