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ome an essential part of our daily life. The design and implementation of an electric car website is very necessary for the promotion and popularization of electric vehicles. This system is based on J2EE web development pattern, using Struts 2, Hibernate, and Spring three lightweight web frameworks, and follows the MVC design pattern to achieve the release, update, and maintenance of information related to electric vehicles.
JPA is used for persisting entity objects, Spring's dependency injection feature is used to decouple modules, Hibernate is used for persistent objects, and implementing operations such as adding, modifying, deleting, and searching objects. The MVC design pattern divides the web development process into three modules: model layer, view layer, and control layer, in which the three modules work together to efficiently and smoothly run the website.
In summary, the design and implementation of the electric car website not only provides a platform for information dissemination, but also promotes the popularization of electric vehicles, and plays an important role in promoting the development of low-carbon industries. The use of Java persistence, MVC design pattern, dependency injection, and object relational mapping technologies has greatly improved the efficiency and performance of the website, making it a valuable tool for users to obtain information on electric vehicles.
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