Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:161
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3381-1
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Mass reach scaling for future hadron colliders
Thomas G. Rizzo
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Received: 29 January 2015 / Accepted: 31 March 2015 / Published online: 24 April 2015
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract The primary goal of any future hadron collider
is to discover new physics (NP) associated with a high mass
scale, M, beyond the range of the LHC. In order to maintain
the same relative mass reach for rate-limited NP, M/
s increases, Richter recently reminded us that the required
integrated luminosity obtainable at future hadron colliders
(FHC) must grow rapidly, ∼s, in the limit of naive scaling.
This would imply, e.g., a ∼50-fold increase in the required
integrated luminosity when going from the 14 TeV LHC to a
FHC with
s = 100 TeV, an increase that would prove quite
challenging on many different fronts. In this paper we point
out, due to the scaling violations associated with the evolu-
tion of the parton density functions (PDFs) and the running
of the strong coupling, α
, that the actual luminosity neces-
sary in order to maintain any fixed value of the relative mass
reach is somewhat greater than this scaling result indicates.
However, the actual values of the required luminosity scal-
ing are found to be dependent upon the detailed nature of the
NP being considered. Here we elucidate this point explicitly
by employing several specific benchmark examples of pos-
sible NP scenarios and briefly discuss the (relatively weak)
search impact in each case if these luminosity goals are not
1 Introduction and background
There is rising interest in the physics potential of a future
higher energy hadron collider which might begin running
sometime after the high luminosity LHC program is com-
pleted. Such a machine, here generically termed the FHC,
has been discussed in various manifestations at a growing
e-mail: rizzo@slac.stanford.edu
number of workshops.
but generally is expected to oper-
s ∼ 100 TeV energy range. The goal of such
a machine will be to explore the unknown, i.e., to search
for new physics (NP), both beyond the standard model (SM)
and beyond the reach of the LHC, that might be kinemati-
cally accessible at these higher collision energies. As such,
its NP search capabilities should be as strong as possible,
and in particular be at least as powerful as those we expect
to be available at the 14 TeV LHC. This NP may take several
forms: it may be relatively light but very weakly coupled to
the SM so that the increased cross sections at a higher energy
collider will allow access. More commonly, we imagine this
NP to manifest as some new, very heavy state(s), simply too
massive to be produced at the 14 TeV LHC; this is the case
we will consider below.
Searches for NP can be quite complex, generally involv-
ing sophisticated experimental analyses in order to extract a
significant signal above some SM background. This makes
quantifying the power of a future collider difficult without
a detailed study of a wide range of potential NP physics
scenarios. Depending on what kind of NP one is interested
in various possibilities come to mind. Here, as said above,
we are essentially only interested in NP which is quite heavy.
Perhaps in this case a crude but simple measure of this poten-
tial discovery power is obtainable by employing the value of
the relative mass reach in the case of a rate-limited signal for
associated with a heavy mass scale M, i.e., the value
of the mass reach scaled to the collision energy, M/
example, this would mean that if a new 3.5 TeV state is dis-
See, for example, the several long-term studies and associated
conferences and workshops that have been recently started in both
Europe and China: CERN SFCC Study: https://espace2013.cern.ch/
fcc/Pages/default.aspx, Chinese Study on CEPC-SppC: http://cfhep.
ihep.ac.cn/. There have also been workshops in the US in 2014
on such higher energy hadron colliders, e.g.,: https://indico.fnal.
gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=7633 and https://indico.fnal.gov/
In the case of a background-limited signal the required luminosity
would need to grow significantly faster with the collision energy ∼s