
需积分: 9 2 下载量 72 浏览量 更新于2024-09-02 收藏 1.1MB PDF 举报
"TIP OpenRAN:迈向分类移动网络" 开放的无线接入网(OpenRAN)是一种新兴的移动网络架构,旨在打破传统电信设备供应商的封闭生态系统,推动行业内的竞争与创新。Gabriel Brown在其为 Heavy Reading 制作的白皮书中详细探讨了这一主题。OpenRAN 的核心目标包括: 1. **增加供应商多样性**:通过引入更多的供应商,OpenRAN 激发了市场竞争,提高了行业的弹性和创新速度,避免了单一供应商锁定的风险。 2. **软件为中心的创新**:OpenRAN 把RAN的功能模块化,使软件成为创新的关键,允许更快地推出新功能和服务,同时降低了对专用硬件的依赖。 3. **利用现成硬件的规模经济**:OpenRAN 提倡使用通用硬件,如COTS(商用现成)服务器,以缩短升级周期,降低成本,促进大规模的经济效益。 4. **云自动化与运营模式**:OpenRAN 将云原生理念应用于移动网络,实现了自动化运维,简化了网络管理,提高了效率。 实现这些目标需要一个开放的生态系统,其中包含多个行业机构的合作,如3GPP、O-RAN联盟、Small Cell论坛和OpenAirInterface软件联盟等。这些组织致力于制定RAN架构、规范和实现的标准。TIP(Telecom Infra Project)通过其OpenRAN项目组,专注于参考技术的实现,与运营商合作加速开放RAN的商业化进程。 TIP OpenRAN项目组的工作涵盖了从需求定义、参考实现、实验室测试到现场试验的全过程,它促进了整个RAN生态系统的进步。通过与运营商的密切合作,这个多厂商环境推动了RAN的解耦和开放,使得不同供应商的组件可以无缝集成,从而增强了网络的灵活性和可扩展性。 OpenRAN 和 O-RAN(开放无线接入网联盟)是这一领域的关键推动者。O-RAN联盟致力于制定开放接口规范,以促进RAN的智能化、虚拟化和解耦。而TIP则通过实际操作和实验环境,将这些规范转化为可部署的解决方案。 随着5G时代的到来,RAN正变得更加软件化,基于开放实施和接口。传统的大型设备供应商正在转向更模块化、开放的平台,同时,一批采用软件为中心设计理念的新竞争者正开发出优化的虚拟RAN(vRAN),以适应云部署的需求。 OpenRAN 的发展趋势预示着移动网络行业的深刻变革,它有望改变网络的建设和运营方式,降低运营商的成本,提升服务质量和用户体验。通过持续的标准化工作和产业协作,OpenRAN将推动移动网络进入一个更加开放、灵活和创新的新时代。
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Today‟s mobile operators are facing a strong competition environment. The cost to build, operate and upgrade the Radio Access Network (RAN) is becoming more and more expensive while the revenue is not growing at the same rate. The mobile internet traffic is surging, while the ARPU is flat or even decreasing slowly, which impacts the ability to build out the networks and offer services in a timely fashion.. To maintain profitability and growth, mobile operators must find solutions to reduce cost as well as to provide better services to the customers. On the other hand, the proliferation of mobile broadband internet also presents a unique opportunity for developing an evolved network architecture that will enable new applications and services, and become more energy efficient. The RAN is the most important asset for mobile operators to provide high data rate, high quality, and 24x7 services to mobile users. Traditional RAN architecture has the following characteristics: first, each Base Station (BS) only connects to a fixed number of sector antennas that cover a small area and only handle transmission/reception signals in its coverage area; second, the system capacity is limited by interference, making it difficult to improve spectrum capacity; and last but not least, BSs are built on proprietary platforms as a vertical solution. These characteristics have resulted in many challenges. For example, the large number of BSs requires corresponding initial investment, site support, site rental and management support. Building more BS sites means increasing CAPEX and OPEX. Usually, BS‟s utilization rate is low because the average network load is usually far lower than that in peak load; while the BS‟ processing power can‟t be shared with other BSs. Isolated BSs prove costly and difficult to improve spectrum capacity. Lastly, a proprietary platform means mobile operators must manage multiple none-compatible platforms if service providers want to purchase systems from multiple vendors. Causing operators to have more complex and costly plan for network expansion and upgrading. To meet the fast increasing data services, mobile operators need to upgrade their network frequently and operate multiple-standard network, including GSM, WCDMA/TD-SCDMA and LTE. However, the proprietary platform means mobile operators lack the flexibility in network upgrade, or the ability to add services beyond simple upgrades.