Received by
Revised by
Pr oj ect suppor ted by
the JiangxiN ature Science Foundation
G rant (0350061).
C or r espon ding authors: C hen Shuisheng
(1968-), M ale,
D oc. ,A ssoc. P rof.
2004 年 6 月
Chinese Jour nal of Computational M echanics
Ju n e
Nonlinear transient response of stay cable with
viscoelasticity damper in cable
stayed bridge
Chen Shuisheng
, N ao A kiN oda
, Zhang L ing
(1. S ch oo l of C ivil E n gin eerin g and A rchitectu re, E ast-C h in a Jiaoton g U n iversity, N anchang 330013, C hina;
M echanicalEngineering D epartm ent
K yu sh u In stitute of T ech n olo gy K itak yu sh u
Jap an
Abstract:T aking the bending stiffn ess, static sag , an d g eom etric no n -linearity into account, the
sp ace n on lin ear v ib ration p artial d ifferen tial equ ation s are d erived
T h e p artial differential equations
are discretized in space by finite center difference approxim ation
then the nonlinear ordinary differ-
ential equations are obtained. A hybrid m ethod involving the com bination of the N ew m ark m ethod
and the pseudo
force strateg y is p rop osed to an aly ze th e n on lin ear transien t resp on se of th e in clin ed
cab le-dam p ers system sub jected to arb itrary d yn am ic lo ading . A s ex am p les, tw o typical stay cable
are calculated by the present m ethod
T he results reveal both the validity and the efficiency of the
v iscoelasticity d am per for vib ratio n con trol of stay cab le
T h e efficien cy and accu racy of th e pro po sed
m eth od is also verified by com paring the results w ith those obtained by using R unge-K u tta direct in -
teg ration tech n ique
Som e valuable suggestions are proposed for the engineering design
Key words: stay cab le; tran sien t resp on se; vib ration control; non-linearity
S tayed cable is the m ain su pporting system in
cable-stayed bridge. In order to m aintain the
b rid g e s a fety
it is an im portant project to analyze
th e dy n am ic ch aracteristics o f stay cab les accu -
F or dem ands in advanced civil engineering
the span of cable-stayed bridge is increasing, the
cable length becom es m ore and m ore longer
the vibration could not be com pressed or con-
the fatigue problem ofthe cables w ould be
in duced, or even m akes the b ridge broken. M any
large vibration phenom ena of the cables of cable
stayed bridges w ere reported. R esearchers at
hom e and abroad have done m any studies about
th e stay ed -cab le vib ration in cab le-stay ed
b rid g e
T he prom inent linear theory developed by
Irvin e
describes the in
plane and out
free vibration of a suspended cab le w ith sm all sag
and tw o fixed supports at the sam e level
Irvine' theory provides a solid foundation for the
subsequent studies
stu d ied the
lo a d
induced vibration of a suspended ca-
b le b y u sin g th e N ew m ark direct in teg ration
m e th o d in co rp o ra ted w ith th e N e w to n
iteration tech nique. W ang et al
com bined the fi-
nite elem ent m ethod and the R unge-K utta m ethod
to analyze under w ater vib ration of a cable
and L ou
studied the in-plane nonlinear transient
response of the suspended cable at th e sam e level
su b jected to arb itrary load
But the nonlinear
tran sien t resp on se of b o th th e in-p lan e an d ou t-
plane vibration of the cable has not been re-
ported yet, saying nothing of transient response
of the cable
dam per system
In this paper, taking the bending stiffness,
static sag, and geom etric non-linearity into con-
sid eration
partial differential equations of the
space nonlinear vibration of th e cable-dam per sys-
te m a re d e riv ed
T he partial differential equations
approxim ation
then the nonlinear ordinary dif-
ferential equations are transform ed
A hybrid