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Inverted pendulum system is a typical high-order unstable system with multiple variables, non-linear characteristics, strong coupling, and rapid movement. It serves as a typical device to verify the effectiveness of various new control theories and methods. In recent years, many scholars have extensively researched inverted pendulum systems.
This paper focuses on the control problem of the linear second-order inverted pendulum. Firstly, it elaborates on the research development and current status of control in inverted pendulum systems. Then, it introduces the structure of the inverted pendulum system and derives the mathematical model of the second-order inverted pendulum in detail. Different controllers are designed using pole placement and LQR optimal control methods. Through comparison and MATLAB simulation, this paper verifies the effectiveness, stability, and disturbance rejection capabilities of the designed controllers.
Keywords: Inverted pendulum; Pole placement; Optimal control; MATLAB; Simulation
Overall, this study explores the control problem of the linear second-order inverted pendulum, presenting a comprehensive analysis of the system and design of controllers using advanced control methods. The MATLAB simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the controllers in stabilizing and controlling the inverted pendulum system, establishing a foundation for further research in this field. The study provides valuable insights into the control of inverted pendulum systems and contributes to the advancement of control theory and its practical applications.
603 浏览量
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