
0 下载量 182 浏览量 更新于2024-02-26 收藏 2.28MB DOC 举报
In recent years, the study of art has gained increasing attention, leading to a surge in the number of students attending art training schools. With the growing student population, the amount of data that needs to be processed within these schools has also increased significantly. This poses a great challenge for the schools in terms of information management. The efficient and scientific handling of the complex and chaotic information within the schools has become a hot topic of discussion. The utilization of information automation technology to alleviate the workload of school administrators is of utmost importance. The Art Training School Information Management System has been designed based on the actual needs of art training schools, with the aim of reducing the management pressure on school administrators, improving work efficiency, and enhancing the security of information. This system is developed based on the B/S framework, using PHP language, MVC design pattern, and ThinkPhp5 framework. The system utilizes PhpMyadmin database for data storage. This paper focuses on introducing the background of the system, system design, process analysis, and functionality implementation. Keywords: Art School Information Management System, Digital Campus, Information Management System, Database.