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SCTE税控机手写板通信协议是一种针对胜创通无LCD的手写输入板设计的详细规范,主要用于二次开发,以便于ECRmasterCPU(主控端)与slaveCPU(手写板)之间的高效通信。该协议不涉及LCD显示部分,主要关注手写板的基本功能、通信接口、模式以及数据交换。 1. **基本功能**: 该协议定义了基本的通信架构,支持主控端和手写板通过UATR接口(兼容RS232C)进行异步串口通信。它利用蒙恬科技的手写识别技术和专用的MCU芯片,扩展了不具备手写输入功能的信息终端的交互能力。 2. **手写板功能**: 手写板的主要工作模式是识别模式,支持主动接收来自主控端的命令,如校准、笔迹坐标、候选字识别等。用户可以选择是否发送采集的笔迹,并能接收识别结果,包括候选字的内码。 3. **通信接口与模式**: - 通信接口采用UATR,具有RS232C兼容性,便于连接不同的硬件环境。 - 通信模式包括主控端主动发送命令,手写板被动响应或主动发送识别结果,以及错误应答处理。 4. **资料封包格式**: 协议详细描述了命令封包格式,分为从主控端到手写板的命令发送格式和手写板向主控端的反馈格式,包括正确应答和错误应答。 5. **命令码总表**: 提供了一系列命令码,如上电复位、校准触控区、识别模式设置、获取版本号等,用于精确控制手写板的行为。 6. **出厂默认值与AP设计流程**: 定义了设备的默认设置,以及AP(应用编程)的设计步骤,有助于开发者快速集成和配置。 7. **特别注意事项**: 协议中包含了一些特殊操作的注意事项,如触控区边界定义和笔迹坐标发送,确保了通信的稳定性和准确性。 通过这个协议,开发者可以清晰地了解如何与胜创通手写输入板进行交互,从而在各种税控机或其他设备上实现手写输入功能,提升了用户体验和系统的功能性。


The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) Standards are intended to serve the public interest by providing specifications, test methods and procedures that promote uniformity of product, interchangeability and ultimately the long term reliability of broadband communications facilities. These documents shall not in any way preclude any member or non-member of SCTE from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such documents, nor shall the existence of such standards preclude their voluntary use by those other than SCTE members, whether used domestically or internationally. SCTE assumes no obligations or liability whatsoever to any party who may adopt the Standards. Such adopting party assumes all risks associated with adoption of these Standards, and accepts full responsibility for any damage and/or claims arising from the adoption of such Standards. Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require the use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. SCTE shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. Patent holders who believe that they hold patents which are essential to the implementation of this standard have been requested to provide information about those patents and any related licensing terms and conditions. Any such declarations made before or after publication of this document are available on the SCTE
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