ASP.NET Core 2高性能优化指南

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"ASP.NET Core 2 High Performance" 是一本由 Dylan Beattie 撰写的书籍,主要关注如何使用 C# 和 ASP.NET Core 2 构建高性能的 Web 应用程序。本书适用于 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 平台,旨在帮助开发者深入理解 ASP.NET Core 2 的性能优化技巧。 在 ASP.NET Core 2 中,有几个关键知识点对于实现高性能至关重要: 1. **Kestrel 服务器**:ASP.NET Core 2 引入了 Kestrel 作为默认的 Web 服务器,它是一个跨平台的高性能服务器,支持多种操作系统,提供了更好的性能和灵活性。 2. **中间件(Middleware)**:ASP.NET Core 2 的核心概念之一,中间件是处理请求和响应的独立组件。开发者可以按需组合中间件,以构建高效的请求处理管道。 3. **依赖注入(Dependency Injection, DI)**:ASP.NET Core 2 内置了强大的依赖注入容器,可以轻松地管理对象生命周期,减少代码间的耦合,提高可测试性和可维护性。 4. **异步编程**:C# 语言和 .NET Core 支持异步编程模型,通过 `async` 和 `await` 关键字,可以编写非阻塞的代码,提高系统并发能力,降低资源消耗。 5. **性能优化工具**:如 PerfView 和 dotTrace 等,可以帮助开发者识别性能瓶颈,进行深度分析和调优。 6. **HTTP/2 支持**:ASP.NET Core 2 支持 HTTP/2 协议,它提供了多路复用、压缩头部等特性,可以显著提升网络通信效率。 7. **Razor 页面**:Razor 页面是一种更简洁的视图模型,可以更直观地组织 MVC 视图,同时减少控制器代码,提高开发效率。 8. **缓存策略**:包括内存缓存、分布式缓存等,能够有效减少数据库访问,提升响应速度。 9. **健康检查**:ASP.NET Core 2 提供健康检查机制,允许监控应用程序和服务的运行状态,确保高可用性。 10. **微服务架构**:ASP.NET Core 2 非常适合构建微服务应用,它提供了轻量级的框架和工具,便于构建和部署分布式系统。 书中可能还会深入讨论性能监控、日志记录、测试策略、安全性和部署策略等多个方面,这些都是构建高性能 ASP.NET Core 应用不可或缺的知识点。通过学习这本书,开发者将掌握如何充分利用 ASP.NET Core 2 的优势,设计和实现高效、可靠的 Web 应用程序。
2017-11-05 上传
如有侵权,请告知下,立即下架 Learn the secrets of developing high performance web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core 2 on Windows, Mac, and Linux Learn how to develop web applications that deploy cross-platform and are optimized for high performance using ASP.NET Core 2 The ASP.NET Core 2 framework is used to develop high-performance and cross-platform web applications. It is built on .NET Core 2 and includes significantly more framework APIs than version 1. This book addresses high-level performance improvement techniques. It starts by showing you how to locate and measure problems and then shows you how to solve some of the most common ones. Next, it shows you how to get started with ASP.NET Core 2 on Windows, Mac, Linux, and with Docker containers. The book illustrates what problems can occur as latency increases when deploying to a cloud infrastructure. It also shows you how to optimize C# code and choose the best data structures for the job. It covers new features in C# 6 and 7, along with parallel programming and distributed architectures. By the end of this book, you will be fixing latency issues and optimizing performance problems, but you will also know how this affects the complexity and maintenance of your application. Finally, we will explore a few highly advanced techniques for further optimization. What You Will Learn Understand ASP.NET Core 2 and how it differs from its predecessor Address performance issues at the early stages of development Set up development environments on Windows, Mac, and Linux Measure, profile and find the most significant problems Identify the differences between development workstations and production infrastructures, and how these can exacerbate problems Boost the performance of your application but with an eye to how it affects complexity and maintenance Explore a few cutting-edge techniques such as advanced hashing and custom transports