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收藏 713KB DOCX 举报
In the field of laser direct writing lithography systems, the focus locking performance of piezoelectric ceramics is crucial for ensuring exposure uniformity. This study investigated the dynamic response characteristics of piezoelectric ceramics as focus actuators in a polar coordinate lithography system, exploring their impact on exposure uniformity. It was discovered that there exists a non-linear relationship between the dynamic response of piezoelectric ceramics to general non-harmonic signals and characteristic harmonic signals. This non-linear relationship was validated through sample exposure experiments, providing a basis for quantitatively calculating the maximum working speed of the rotary table that meets the focus locking requirements when using piezoelectric ceramics. Furthermore, this study guided piezoelectric ceramic manufacturers to optimize the dynamic response characteristics specifically for the polar coordinate lithography system. As a result, the focus locking ability of the optimized piezoelectric ceramics was improved by 125.2%.
In summary, the focus locking performance of piezoelectric ceramics plays a vital role in determining the exposure uniformity of laser direct writing lithography systems. This study delved into the dynamic response characteristics of piezoelectric ceramics, revealing a non-linear relationship between their responses to different types of signals. Through experimentation and optimization, the study successfully enhanced the focus locking capabilities of piezoelectric ceramics for polar coordinate lithography systems. These findings not only contribute to the understanding of piezoelectric ceramics in lithography systems but also offer practical insights for improving their performance in industrial applications.
101 浏览量
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