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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2020.2977272, Journal of
Lightwave Technology
Abstract—Utilizing the nonlinear effects in a photonic crystal
fiber to broaden the spectrum and reverse saturable absorption
to further improve the flatness of the spectrum, ultra-broadband
noise-like pulses (NLPs) were produced in a fiber laser. Guided
by numerical results, a broadband spectrum with 290 nm 3-dB
bandwidth was obtained, which, to the best of our knowledge, is
the broadest bandwidth achieved for NLPs. Spectral
degradations of the NLPs have also been observed, and are
Index Terms—Broadband spectrum, fiber laser, noise-like
pulse, reverse saturable absorption.
I. I
B-DOPED fibers (YDFs) have potential for use over a
wide spectral range from 930 to 1200 nm. Because of
their wide wavelength gain response, high pump efficiency of
YDFs and their normal material dispersion at 1-μm
wavelength, YDF lasers are highly suitable for producing
ultrafast optical pulses with high power and a broadband
spectrum [1], [2]. Mode-locked YDF lasers have been shown
to produce 20-fs pulses with spectral bandwidths of up to 200
nm at the base of the spectrum [3]. Recently Li et al. showed
numerically that a single pulse with a 3-dB spectral width of
186.6 nm could be produced through nonlinear spectral
broadening in a segment of single-mode photonic crystal fiber
(PCF) and it was preferentially extracted before other
Manuscript received xx, xxxx; revised xx, xxxx; accepted xx, xxxx. This
work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (NSFC) (61605040, 11374089); Natural Science Foundation of
Hebei Province (NSFHP) (F2017205162, F2017205060, F2016205124);
Program for High-Level Talents of Colleges and Universities in Hebei
Province (PHLTCUHP) (BJ2017020).
The authors are with the College of Physics, Hebei Normal University,
Shijiazhuang 050024, China (e-mail: lixingliangkaoyan@163.com;
zhangsm@hebtu.edu.cn; jmliu121@163.com; zjyang@vip.163.com)
(Corresponding author: Shumin Zhang).
This paper has supplementary downloadable material available at
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org, provided by the authors. It contains two video files.
Media 1. mp4 shows the spectrum with the recorded 290 nm of 3-dB spectral
bandwidth, high-speed and low-speed oscillograph traces, radio frequency
spectrum of NLP at a high pump power from OC
. Media 2. mp4 shows the
spectrum with the recorded 253 nm of 3-dB spectral bandwidth, high-speed
and low-speed oscillograph traces, radio frequency spectrum of NLP at a high
pump power from OC
. The total file size is 6.81 MB.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
elements with bandwidth limitation in a YDF laser [4].
Efficient spectral broadening can be implemented by pulse
propagation in gas filled hollow core fibers [5]–[7]. However,
these broad spectra are always accompanied by multipeak
spectral modulation which is a result of interference of same
frequency waves with different phases.
In fiber lasers, flat and broad spectra can also be produced
via noise-like pulses (NLPs) [8]–[13]. The spectral domain of
the NLPs has a wide wavelength envelope that exhibits
extremely variable wavelength emission intensity. A
pseudo-stable, low-coherence, flat and broadband spectral
information of NLP is provided by optical spectrum analyzer
which is the superimposed recording of hundreds of thousands
NLP spectra [14], [15]. However, these typical features of
NLPs do not prevent it widely applied in optical metrology
[16], low-coherence spectral interferometry [17], [18], spectral
domain optical coherent tomography [19], [20], optical
sensing and measurement [21], [22], laser-induced breakdown
spectroscopy and ablation threshold analysis [23],
micromachining [24], and supercontinuum [25]–[28].
Thus, a series of studies on the generation of NLPs, on their
detailed nature and their broadband spectrum in YDF lasers
has been undertaken by various authors. Zaytsev et al.
reported the generation of NLPs with a spectral bandwidth of
48.2 nm from a dispersion-managed (DM) YDF laser [29].
Suzuki et al. extended the spectrum of the NLPs to 131 nm by
careful management of cavity dispersion resulting in near zero
dispersion [19]. Both of the above methods for increasing the
spectral bandwidth can be attributed primarily to enhanced
self-phase modulation as a result of the high peak power pulse
propagation and compression inside the DM cavity. Li et al.
also showed that by using the Raman effect, broadband NLPs
could be generated [30]. Chen et al. demonstrated that
cascaded Raman scattering could boost the width of the NLP
spectrum to 165 nm in an all-normal-dispersion YDF laser
[31]. Recently, Li et al. demonstrated implicitly that the
reverse saturable absorption (RSA) of nonlinear polarization
rotation (NPR) could both enhance the spectral flatness and
further broaden the 3-dB spectral bandwidth of NLP [32]. It is
well known that the use of highly nonlinear fibers can increase
the spectral width of pulse. Therefore, how to combine the
highly nonlinear effect such as stimulated Raman scattering
with the RSA, and how to produce ultra-broadband NLPs by
using the combination and designing a optimal cavity structure
in fiber lasers should be further investigated, which formed the
initial motivation for this work.
Using Reverse Saturable Absorption to Boost
Broadband Noise-Like Pulses
Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang, Jingmin Liu, and Zhenjun Yang
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