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"Graduation thesis jsp38 house rental system (jsp servlet sqlserver).doc; including abstract, background significance, thesis structure arrangement, development technology introduction, demand analysis, feasibility analysis, functional analysis, business process analysis, database design, er diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, summary, acknowledgment, references. With the rapid development of our country's economy, people's living standards have significantly improved, and the pace of life is getting faster day by day. Houses have also become an indispensable means of transport in people's lives. As a high-priced consumer product, not everyone in need can afford to own a house. Therefore, a new business opportunity has emerged-house rental business. The house rental system is the management of building information and customer information, providing users with registration function. After users submit registration information (with verification code), the system first detects whether the user's login account already exists. If the user already exists, prompt the user to re-enter; if not, store the user's registration information and prompt the user that the registration is successful. Then the user can log in, and after confirming the username and password, the user can enter the property management system. If not, prompt for error. (The administrator logs in from the background, and the user is divided into guests and users, with guests only having browsing function and users able to perform related operations). Having these functions can basically manage a small house rental system, allowing users to manage the house rental system more freely and conveniently.
[Keywords] Object-oriented analysis and design, jsp, ADO"
635 浏览量
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2023-08-16 上传
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2023-08-16 上传
2023-08-16 上传

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