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ent of computing technology, communication system simulation is increasingly common and has gradually become the main tool for designing and analyzing communication systems. This design uses MATLAB software to design functions and Simulink modeling to simulate and study digital phase modulation technology.
This paper introduces the composition of communication systems, the use of MATLAB, and the construction of Simulink modules in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 analyzes in depth the theoretical knowledge of modulation and demodulation principles of 2ASK, 2PSK, and 2FSK. After familiarizing with the principles, Chapter 3 uses MATLAB programming and Simulink to simulate and study them. This design mainly achieves the simulation of the modulation and demodulation processes of 2ASK, 2PSK, and 2FSK, and analyzes their performance differences. The last chapter summarizes the digital modulation and demodulation.
Keywords: MATLAB, modulation and demodulation, 2ASK, 2PSK, 2FSK
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