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1. Through this programming exercise, beginners can learn how to use Java to solve classic problems and strengthen their programming skills.
2. The exercise includes 50 questions, each with a unique problem to solve using Java programming language.
3. One of the problems involves analyzing the pattern of a rabbit's reproduction, which follows the Fibonacci sequence, and requires a program to calculate the total number of rabbits each month.
4. The solution to this problem utilizes a for loop to control the range of numbers 100 to 999, decomposing each number into its tens and units place.
5. The programming exercise encourages learners to persist and complete all questions, as completing 4-5 questions each day can help establish a strong foundation in Java programming.
6. The provided program for the rabbit problem demonstrates an approach to solving the Fibonacci sequence using arrays and recursion methods.
7. In summary, the JAVA经典编程50题附答案1 is a valuable resource for beginners to enhance their programming skills and familiarize themselves with solving problems using the Java programming language. Through a variety of challenging questions, learners can acquire foundational knowledge and practical experience in Java programming.

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