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nally,the transit time is outputted for velocity calculation.
This design combines virtual instrument technology and cross-correlation principle to design a cross-correlation fluid flow velocity measurement instrument. This method utilizes the correlation of flow noise signals in the upper and under channels, calculates the time delay of the two signals by finding the cross-correlation function of the two signals, and with the known distance between the two sensors L, the flow velocity of the fluid can be calculated. The design is implemented using LabVIEW language to simulate and generate random flow noise signals, input the data into the data acquisition card, and then perform various correlation operations on the collected data.
This design elaborates on the implementation process of the cross-correlation fluid flow velocity measurement instrument based on virtual instrument technology and cross-correlation principle, provides the core program using LabVIEW language, and analyzes the result errors.
Keywords: two-phase flow; cross-correlation; virtual instrument; velocity measurement.
In conclusion, the cross-correlation velocity measurement system based on LabVIEW is a vital tool for measuring the velocity of two-phase flow in both natural and industrial settings. With the use of virtual instrument technology and cross-correlation principle, this system effectively analyzes and calculates the flow velocity by correlating the flow noise signals from upper and under sensors. The implementation process outlined in this design provides a detailed insight into the functionality and accuracy of the system, making it a valuable contribution to the field of flow measurement research.
2023-07-04 上传
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