第 35 卷 第 5 期
2015 年 5 月
Vol. 35, No. 5
May, 2015
光 学 学 报
彭家琪 胡小川 陈丽霞 张 彬
四川大学电子信息学院, 四川 成都 610064
摘要 在高功率连续激光辐照下,变形镜(DM)表面产生的热形变会对入射激光引入附加相位畸变,进而降低光束质
量。利用有限元分析软件 ANSYS 建立了变形镜模型,分析比较了变形镜与高反镜热形变的特点,并讨论了变形镜
越小 ,热形变带 来的高频相 位畸变越多 ;极头长度 对高频成 分的影响较 大,极头长 度越短,热形变带来 的 高频成分
越多 ,因而适当 增 加极头长 度 能够降低 热 形变带来 的 高频相位 畸 变;增大极 头直径能使 高频畸变所 占比例有所 降
低,但 会减弱变 形 镜的校正 能 力,因而在 实际设计时 应综合考虑 。计算结果 可为变形镜 的参数优化 设计提供一 定
关键词 激光光学; 变形镜; 热形变; 有限元分析; 结构参数; 相位畸变
中图分类号 TN248; O439 文献标识码 A
doi: 10.3788/AOS201535.0514001
Effect of Structural Parameters of Deformable Mirrors on Phase
Characteristics of High-Power Laser
Peng Jiaqi Hu Xiaochuan Chen Lixia Zhang Bin
College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064, China
Abstract The thermal distortion of the deformable mirror (DM) arised from the high-power continuous laser beam
brings about the phase distortion and further degrades the beam quality. The model for the DM is built up using the
finite element analysis software ANSYS. The characteristics of the thermal distortion of the DM and the reflective
mirror are analyzed and compared. The influence of structural parameters of the DM on the incident light phase
are also discussed. The results indicate that, the thermal distortion of the DM is more obvious compared with the
high reflective mirror. The high frequency phase distortion introduced by thermal distortion increases with the
decreasing of the spacing of heads. The length of heads exhibits a significant influence on the high frequency
components and the high frequency phase distortion increases with the decreasing of the length of heads. As a result,
high frequency phase distortion introduced by the thermal distortion can be diminished through increasing the length
of heads appropriately. The proportion of the high frequency phase distortion decreases with the increasing of the
diameter of heads, leading to the decreasing of correction capability. Consequently, the diameter of heads should
be considered comprehensively in the practical application. The results obtained can provide valuable reference
for the parameter optimization of the DM.
Key words laser optics; deformable mirror; thermal distortion; finite element analysis; structural parameter;
phase distortion
OCIS codes 140.1550; 140.3460; 230.4040
收稿日期: 2014-12-15; 收到修改稿日期: 2014-12-31
基金项目: 中国科学院自适应光学重点实验室基金(LAOF201303)、四川省教育厅创新团队计划(13Td0048)
作者简介: 彭家琪(1990—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事变形镜热效应方面的研究。E-mail: 783028096@qq.com
导师简 介: 张 彬(1969—),女,博士 ,教 授,主要从事高 功 率激光技术、光 束 传输变换和控 制 、非线性光学等 方 面的研究。
E-mail: zhangbinff@sohu.com(通信联系人)