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The English postgraduate entrance examination vocabulary outline includes English words and their Chinese translations, suitable for printing. The 2009 postgraduate English vocabulary list includes words starting from A to B. aart. One; each; any one among similar things abandon vt. To abandon; discard; desert; give up abdomen n. Abdomen; lower abdomen (part from chest to legs) abide vi. (abode, abided) (by) To abide by; adhere to ability n. Ability; capability; talent; skill; aptitude able a. Able to do something (with ability, time, knowledge, etc.) abnormal a. Abnormal; irregular; not normal aboard ad. These words cover a wide range of topics and are essential for English postgraduate exam preparation. It is important to familiarize oneself with these vocabulary words in order to effectively communicate and understand in the English language. Study diligently and practice regularly to improve your English skills and succeed in the postgraduate entrance examination. Good luck!