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Quantum information masking is a novel concept in quantum information processing that involves transferring quantum information completely to the entanglement of various quantum entities, thereby ensuring that a single quantum system no longer contains any information about the original state. Quantum information masking has significant applications in quantum bit commitment, secret sharing, and other areas. However, similar to operations such as quantum state cloning, broadcasting, and hiding, there is no universal two-body unitary evolution that can be used to achieve quantum information masking. This paper systematically reviews recent research progress in the field of quantum information masking.
Firstly, the paper describes the geometrical features of the set of quantum states that can be used for quantum information masking, presents methods for implementing masking operations, discusses their implications in information theory, and explores their connections to concepts such as quantum error correction codes. Next, the paper introduces experimental implementations of quantum information masking, demonstrating the feasibility of quantum information masking in complex systems such as high-dimensional systems, and showcasing its applications in quantum secret sharing and noise-resistant quantum communication.
In conclusion, quantum information masking has emerged as a promising approach in quantum information processing, offering a new way to protect sensitive information and enhance the security of quantum communication protocols. The research progress in this field opens up new possibilities for practical applications in quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and other areas of quantum technology. With continued advancements in both theoretical understanding and experimental implementation, quantum information masking is poised to play a crucial role in the future development of quantum information processing and communication systems.
400 浏览量
2024-12-21 上传