flat space REE. It would be interesting to understand whether these are related in some
deeper way.
In appendix I we also discuss another monotonic quantity in holography which does not
seem to obviously lead to a universal F -function. It is obtained from the unrenormalized
free energy density by varying the UV cut-off instead of the curvature scale. It may be
worth investigating whether a good F -function may be obtained in this way.
Another direction for further work is to gather additional evidence that the functions
(R) defined in (1.21)–(1.24) are indeed good F -functions. While we checked this
explicitly for a wide range of theories in holography and for free field theories, further tests
are desirable.
In the context of holography, here we worked with bottom-up four-dimensional mod-
els, and it would be interesting to check whether our proposal holds in top-down models
from string theories. For three-dimensional field theories, there are many examples of
gravity dual holographic RG flows in gauged N = 8, d = 4 supergravity [27–30], and
their M-theory uplifts [31, 32]. One could also consider three-dimensional theories with
flavor, whose RG flows were studied e.g. in [33–35] (in the quenched flavor limit) and [36].
The quenched flavor case looks particularly treatable, as one does not need to find the
curved domain wall solution in the full 11-dimensional bulk theory, but only restrict to the
contribution to the F -functions from the flavor degrees of freedom coming from the D6
branes wrapped on AdS
using curved slicing of AdS
, and use the flavor mass as the
deformation parameter.
Another interesting playground to test our proposal is in the context of confining
theories, which in holography may be realised both in bottom up models (e.g. setups with
exponentially growing potentials, like those studied in [37] or the AdS soliton [38, 39]) and
in top-down constructions like those studied in [38, 40], dual to 3-dimensional confining
gauge theories (in this case the scale is provided by the radius of an internal compact cycle).
In [25] it was observed that boundary field theories in holography may undergo phase
transitions when the boundary curvature is adjusted (see also [41]). The change of boundary
curvature is equivalent to the notion of curvature-RG flow explored in this work. An
interesting question to explore is whether the F -theorem holds across a curvature-induced
phase transition. We leave this for future work.
Another open question is to what extent an F -theorem exists in higher odd dimensions,
i.e. d = 5, 7, . . .. Several proposals for F -functions in higher odd dimensions exist [5, 6, 10,
12] and evidence for an F -theorem in d = 5 can be found in [42, 43]. However, so far there
is no proof of monotonicity for odd dimensions with d ≥ 5. The F -functions introduced
in this work, while constructed for d = 3, allow for a straightforward generalisation to any
odd d and are hence suitable for exploring the F -theorem beyond d = 3. We hope to report
on this in the future.
2 Holographic space-times with curved slicing and RG flows
Our focus will be on holographic RG flows of field theories on dS
and S
space-times, driven
by a relevant deformation of a UV CFT. These are dual to curved domain wall solutions
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