ASP.NET MVC深入探索:构建动态网站框架

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"ASP.NET.MVC系列 - ASP.NET MVC in Action" 本书深入探讨了ASP.NET MVC框架,旨在帮助开发者熟练掌握这一强大的Web应用程序开发工具。ASP.NET MVC是一个灵活、基于模式的框架,它允许开发人员构建可维护且易于测试的Web应用。这本书涵盖了从基础到高级的主题,包括模型、控制器、视图、路由、自定义和扩展框架、架构扩展、利用现有ASP.NET特性、AJAX集成、托管与部署,以及最佳实践和实用方案。 在"Getting Started with the ASP.NET MVC Framework"这一章中,作者引导读者了解系统需求,如何运行起始项目,逐步通过"HelloWorld"示例来理解基本概念。这些例子展示了如何创建一个简单的应用程序,并逐渐增强其功能。此外,本章还涉及了强类型视图,这是一种将数据绑定到视图的强大方法,可以提高代码的健壮性和安全性。路由基础知识也在这一章中得到讲解,它是ASP.NET MVC中控制URL结构和请求处理的关键部分。 在后续章节中,读者将深入学习模型(Model)的细节,了解如何分离业务逻辑和数据访问层。控制器(Controller)章节则讨论如何管理用户交互和流程控制。视图(Views)章节探讨了呈现数据的不同方式,以及如何有效地设计用户界面。路由(Routing)章节进一步解释了如何自定义URL模式,以实现更友好的URL和更灵活的请求处理。 随着对框架的理解加深,第6章介绍了如何定制和扩展ASP.NET MVC,以便适应特定项目的需求。第7章则讨论了如何在更复杂的网站中扩展架构,以保持应用的可扩展性和可维护性。第8章关注如何利用ASP.NET平台已有的特性,如身份验证、授权和状态管理,以增强应用的功能。 AJAX在ASP.NET MVC中的应用是现代Web开发的一个重要方面,第9章介绍了如何集成AJAX技术,以提供更流畅的用户体验。第10章涵盖托管和部署,确保应用能够顺利地在生产环境中运行。第11章则对比了MonoRail和Ruby on Rails,这两个其他流行的Web开发框架,以拓宽视野。最后,第12章和第13章提供了最佳实践和实用的代码片段,帮助开发者在实际项目中应用所学知识。 通过这本书,读者将能够充分利用ASP.NET MVC框架的优势,构建高效、可扩展且易于维护的Web应用。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益,提升自己的ASP.NET MVC开发技能。
2009-04-14 上传
The Model-View-Controller pattern—universally known as MVC—provides a stable, testable approach to web application development by separating the major functions—or concerns—of an application into independently defined roles. Until now, developers needed to adopt third-party solutions such as Monorail because ASP.NET lacked a true MVC-based architecture. Microsoft's brand new ASP.NET MVC Framework now offers a fully-supported way for developers to implement MVC architectures in ASP.NET applications. ASP.NET MVC in Action is a comprehensive guide to MVC-based development using this powerful new framework. It offers a clearly-written introduction both to the ASP.NET MVC Framework and to the MVC approach. The focus is on creating real, maintainable web applications—so don't expect toy examples and short snippets. The authors lead you from first-use through real-life scenarios. One of the key benefits of the MVC approach is introducing a high degree of testability to your applications and process. ASP.NET MVC in Action shows you how to test each piece of your ASP.NET application and how to introduce principles of test-driven development into your process. Because the framework is completely pluggable, you'll learn how to work with external Inversion of Control containers like StructureMap, Windsor, and Spring.NET and open-source persistence layers like NHibernate. Along the way, you'll benefit from the wide-ranging experience of the authors, who have extensive experience with ASP.NET, Monorail, and Ruby on Rails. This book assumes that you already know how to build a standard ASP.NET application and presents most examples in C#.