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"The BellKor 解决方案是 Netflix 奖的一个重要实现,由 Robert M. Bell、Yehuda Koren 和 Chris Volinsky 三位来自 AT&T Labs 的研究者提出。该解决方案通过融合107个独立的结果,最终达到了0.8712的均方根误差(RMSE)。这些结果中有许多是近似变体,所以首先概述了它们背后的主要方法,然后逐一详细介绍每个单独的结果。核心组件在他们的 ICDM'2007 论文 [1](或 KDD-Cup'2007 论文 [2])以及更早的 KDD'2007 论文 [3] 中发表。本文假设读者已经熟悉这些工作和术语。 1. 基于邻域的模型(k-NN) 一种电影导向的 k-NN 方法在 KDD-Cup'2007 论文中详细阐述 [kNN]。它被用作大多数其他模型的后处理程序,特别是在 RBMs(受限玻尔兹曼机)的残差上应用时最为有效,将 Quiz RMSE 从0.9093降低到0.8888。这种 k-NN 方法利用用户对电影的相似性来预测评分。 2. 早期的 k-NN 方法 在 KDD'2007 论文 [3](第3节)中描述了一种较早的 k-NN 方法[Slow-kNN]。虽然这个早期方法能获得稍微更准确的结果,但运行时间显著增加。这表明,在性能和效率之间存在权衡。 3. RBMs(受限玻尔兹曼机) RBMs 是一种深度学习模型,用于特征学习和表示。在这个解决方案中,RBM 用于学习用户和电影的隐藏特性,并且在 k-NN 预测中产生了重要作用,尤其是通过处理残差来提高预测精度。 4. 模型融合 最终解决方案的关键在于融合了107个不同的模型结果。这种策略允许利用各种模型的优点,通过组合它们的预测来减少整体误差。这反映了集成学习的思想,即通过结合多个弱预测器来创建一个强预测器。 5. 预处理和后处理技术 在预测过程中,预处理和后处理技术的应用对于提升模型性能至关重要。例如,k-NN 作为后处理步骤,可以优化其他模型的输出,特别是与 RBMs 结合时。 6. 性能优化与时间复杂度 在追求更高的预测准确性的同时,必须考虑计算效率。早期 k-NN 方法的更高准确性是以牺牲运行时间为代价的,这提示了在实际应用中需要平衡预测准确性和计算成本。 The BellKor 解决方案体现了在大数据集上的推荐系统优化,结合了多种模型和算法,包括基于邻域的方法和深度学习技术。这种方法不仅展示了如何通过模型融合来提升性能,还突出了在实际应用中权衡精度和效率的重要性。"
2018-12-03 上传
著名的Netflix 智能推荐 百万美金大奖赛使用是数据集. 因为竞赛关闭, Netflix官网上已无法下载. Netflix provided a training data set of 100,480,507 ratings that 480,189 users gave to 17,770 movies. Each training rating is a quadruplet of the form . The user and movie fields are integer IDs, while grades are from 1 to 5 (integral) stars.[3] The qualifying data set contains over 2,817,131 triplets of the form , with grades known only to the jury. A participating team's algorithm must predict grades on the entire qualifying set, but they are only informed of the score for half of the data, the quiz set of 1,408,342 ratings. The other half is the test set of 1,408,789, and performance on this is used by the jury to determine potential prize winners. Only the judges know which ratings are in the quiz set, and which are in the test set—this arrangement is intended to make it difficult to hill climb on the test set. Submitted predictions are scored against the true grades in terms of root mean squared error (RMSE), and the goal is to reduce this error as much as possible. Note that while the actual grades are integers in the range 1 to 5, submitted predictions need not be. Netflix also identified a probe subset of 1,408,395 ratings within the training data set. The probe, quiz, and test data sets were chosen to have similar statistical properties. In summary, the data used in the Netflix Prize looks as follows: Training set (99,072,112 ratings not including the probe set, 100,480,507 including the probe set) Probe set (1,408,395 ratings) Qualifying set (2,817,131 ratings) consisting of: Test set (1,408,789 ratings), used to determine winners Quiz set (1,408,342 ratings), used to calculate leaderboard scores For each movie, title and year of release are provided in a separate dataset. No information at all is provided about users. In order to protect the privacy of customers, "some of the rating data for some customers in the training and qualifyin