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"Painless PM: A Step-by-Step Guide for Planning, Executing, and Managing Projects" 是一本由 Pamela McGhee 和 Peter McAliney 合著的项目管理指南,旨在帮助读者轻松有效地进行项目规划、执行和管理。 在项目管理领域,有效的方法和策略对于确保项目的成功至关重要。"Painless PM" 提供了以下关键知识点: 1. **项目启动**:项目启动阶段是定义项目目标、范围、预期成果和关键干系人的阶段。书中可能详细介绍了如何制定项目章程,确定项目范围说明书,并建立初始的项目团队。 2. **规划过程**:有效的规划可以帮助避免项目后期的混乱。书中的步骤可能包括创建工作分解结构(WBS),确定活动顺序,估算活动持续时间和资源,以及制定项目进度计划和预算。 3. **执行与监控**:项目执行阶段涉及实际的执行任务和管理工作。书中可能讨论了如何分配和管理团队资源,跟踪项目进度,以及使用工具如甘特图进行项目管理。此外,监控项目绩效和风险管理也是这一阶段的重点。 4. **沟通管理**:良好的沟通是项目成功的关键。书可能涵盖如何建立和维护项目沟通计划,确保所有干系人得到及时、准确的信息。 5. **变更控制**:项目中难免会出现变更,如何有效地管理和控制这些变更以保持项目目标的一致性,可能是本书讨论的一部分。 6. **风险管理**:书中可能会介绍如何识别潜在的风险,评估风险概率和影响,制定风险应对策略,并持续监控风险状态。 7. **质量管理**:确保项目交付物符合预设的质量标准。这可能包括质量规划、质量保证和质量控制的实践。 8. **采购管理**:如果项目涉及外部供应商或承包商,书可能会讲述如何进行有效的采购决策,包括合同谈判和管理。 9. **收尾阶段**:项目完成后,需要进行正式的项目收尾,包括审查项目结果,记录经验教训,以及释放资源。 通过遵循书中的步骤和指导,读者将能够掌握项目管理的基本原则和最佳实践,从而实现无痛的项目管理。这本书特别适合初次接触项目管理或希望提升项目管理技能的人士。
2020-04-07 上传
Git is the lingua franca of team-based software development. And with good reason. Git is powerful, flexible, well-built, and battle hardened. It can also be just a bit daunting. Merge conflicts pop up and litter your code with random rows of equal signs and angle brackets. You get great advice about rebasing instead of merging, which is a good idea except for those times where it's a bad idea. Stray too far into the weeds and you start hearing about "reflog" which sounds like "hitting someone again". that's no way to live. Which is why I'm here. I've been teaching teams how to use git for about five years now, and trust me, I've seen every mess a team can get into with git. Painless Git is a distillation of all the best git advice I've found over the years, helping you not only start using git, but start using it well. Once you've got a solid understanding of the basics of git, I'll help you build the confidence you need to find your way out of messes without resorting to the old "delete your working directory and start over" technique. The Painless series is designed around developers who have a lot to do. I take it as read that you're intelligent and don't want to spend your time reading tech books. Painless Git is designed to be short, easy to read, and inexpensive, so you can learn how to manage distributed development quickly and get to work. I think you'll like this book and before too long you'll find that using git is actually fun, and learning it was, well, painless.