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The "Matlab各工具箱功能简介(部分)" (2).pdf provides an overview of the various toolboxes available in Matlab, focusing on the functionalities of the "Symbolic Math Toolbox" and the "Partial Differential Equation Toolbox."
The "Symbolic Math Toolbox" is designed to handle symbolic operations, including differentiation, integration, simplification, and equation solving. It also allows for the generation of code for MATLAB, Simulink, and Simscape. The toolbox includes the MuPAD language, which is optimized for symbolic expression manipulation and execution. Additionally, it has a library of MuPAD functions for calculus, linear algebra, number theory, and combinatorics. Users can also create custom symbolic functions and libraries using the MuPAD language and record symbolic computations using embedded text, graphics, and mathematical typesetting in the MuPAD notebook.
On the other hand, the "Partial Differential Equation Toolbox" provides tools for solving 2D and 3D partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite element analysis. It offers functionality for solving steady-state and time-dependent problems, as well as problems with spatially varying coefficients. The toolbox includes functions for creating and meshing 2D and 3D geometries, specifying boundary conditions, and solving PDEs using finite element methods.
Overall, the toolboxes discussed in the document offer powerful mathematical and computational capabilities for symbolic operations and partial differential equation analysis within the Matlab environment. These functionalities can be leveraged for a wide range of applications, from academic research to engineering and scientific computing.
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