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"Programming Interviews Exposed_3Ed_2012" 本书《Programming Interviews Exposed》第三版,是为那些希望在IT行业中找到理想编程职位的求职者准备的一本指南。作者通过本书帮助读者理解面试过程,从寻找工作到应对面试中的技术挑战,提供了全面的准备策略。 书中的内容分为多个章节,涵盖了一系列关键主题: 1. 在搜索工作前(Before the Search):这部分可能涉及如何构建有效的LinkedIn个人档案,利用社交媒体网络进行职业发展和寻找机会。 2. 求职过程(The Job Application Process):介绍申请工作时应遵循的最佳实践,包括简历写作和求职信的撰写技巧。 3. 应对编程问题的策略(Approaches to Programming Problems):讲解如何分析和解决问题,这是面试中的核心能力。 4. 数据结构基础:如链表(LinkedLists)、树与图(Trees and Graphs)、数组与字符串(Arrays and Strings)等,这些都是面试中常见的数据结构问题。 5. 特定技术领域:包括递归(Recursion)、排序(Sorting)、并发(Concurrency)、面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming)、设计模式(Design Patterns)、数据库(Databases)、图形与位操作(Graphics and Bit Manipulation)等。 6. 逻辑与智力题:如计数、测量和排序谜题(Counting, Measuring, and Ordering Puzzles)、图形与空间谜题(Graphical and Spatial Puzzles)。 7. 非技术问题(Nontechnical Questions):面试中可能出现的非技术性问题,如职业规划、团队合作等。 8. 附录包含简历写作指南(Résumés):提供简历编写的建议和范例。 书中每个主题都通过具体的例子和逐步解题来阐述,代码示例涵盖了C、C++、C#和Java四种语言,强调面向对象的解决方案。新增章节涉及64位计算和安全编程实践,反映了当前行业的需求和趋势。 通过对本书的学习,读者将能够增强自信,应对各种面试挑战,从而提高获得理想工作的机会。无论你是经验丰富的程序员还是初次面试的新人,这本书都将提供宝贵的指导和实战练习,帮助你在编程面试中脱颖而出。
2013-03-17 上传
最新的第三版,无水印版本 Everything you need to know to succeed in the programming interview and get the job you want Whether you are a veteran programmer seeking a new position or a whiz kid starting your career, interviewing for a programming job requires special preparation. The interview is likely to consist of an hour-long interactive oral exam in computers, programming, and logic. This helpful guide will give you the tools necessary to breeze through the test and make a lasting impression that will get you a top-dollar offer! Mongan and Suojanen take you step-by-step through the same problems that they were asked on technical interviews. These veterans use their experience with the technical interview process to prepare you for any situation. With their help, you’ll gain critical interviewing skills such as how to ask effective questions, how to best approach a problem, and what to do when you get stuck. Integrated throughout the book are problems taken from real interviews at top computer companies, followed by an in-depth analysis and explanation of the thought process leading to solutions. By focusing on techniques and not just answers, you’ll be able to apply what you learn to the wide variety of problems you will face during an interview. The problems included in this book will challenge your programming skills and help you ace the programming interview! Problem types include:
  • Programming problems with emphasis on data structures and recursion
  • Logic puzzles, counting and measuring problems, and spatial reasoning
  • Knowledge-based problems that cover today’s most important technologies