Project: SHTxx demo program (V2.1)
Filename: SHTxx_Sample_Code.c
Prozessor: 80C51 family
Compiler: Keil Version 6.14
Autor: MST
Copyrigth: (c) Sensirion AG
#include <AT89X51.h> //Microcontroller specific library, e.g. port definitions
#include <intrins.h> //Keil library (is used for _nop()_ operation)
#include <math.h> //Keil library
#include <stdio.h> //Keil library
typedef union
{ unsigned int i;
float f;
} value;
// modul-var
enum {TEMP,HUMI};
#define DATA P1_1
#define SCK P1_0
#define noACK 0
#define ACK 1
//adr command r/w
#define STATUS_REG_W 0x06 //000 0011 0
#define STATUS_REG_R 0x07 //000 0011 1
#define MEASURE_TEMP 0x03 //000 0001 1
#define MEASURE_HUMI 0x05 //000 0010 1
#define RESET 0x1e //000 1111 0
char s_write_byte(unsigned char value)
// writes a byte on the Sensibus and checks the acknowledge
unsigned char i,error=0;
for (i=0x80;i>0;i/=2) //shift bit for masking
{ if (i & value) DATA=1; //masking value with i , write to SENSI-BUS
else DATA=0;
SCK=1; //clk for SENSI-BUS
_nop_();_nop_();_nop_(); //pulswith approx. 5 us
DATA=1; //release DATA-line
SCK=1; //clk #9 for ack
error=DATA; //check ack (DATA will be pulled down by SHT11)
return error; //error=1 in case of no acknowledge
char s_read_byte(unsigned char ack)