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"EMGUCV入门手册(EMGU CV Essentials),英文原版" 《EMGU CV Essentials》是针对计算机视觉开发者的一本详细指南,特别是那些希望利用EMGUCV库进行.NET开发的程序员。EMGUCV是一个强大的接口库,它使C#和其他.NET框架的语言能够访问OpenCV的功能,OpenCV是世界上最广泛使用的开源计算机视觉库之一。 本书由Shin Shi撰写,旨在为初学者提供关于EMGUCV的基础知识和实践应用。它涵盖了从安装和设置到高级计算机视觉概念的各种主题,帮助读者快速上手并深入理解该库的核心特性。 在“1. Introduction to EmguCV”章节中,作者解释了EMGUCV是什么,与其他图像处理库相比的优势,以及它为何在易用性和性能方面脱颖而出。这一部分讨论了EMGUCV的跨平台和跨语言支持,以及其他吸引人的特点,如丰富的文档和示例。 “2. Installing EmguCV”章节详细介绍了在Windows、Linux和macOS操作系统上安装和配置EMGUCV的步骤。对于每个系统,书中都提供了获取依赖项和构建库的指南,同时提供了可能出现的问题及解决方法。 “3. Hello World”章节则引导读者完成编写第一个EMGUCV程序的简单过程,分别展示了如何用C#、VB.NET和C++实现“Hello World”项目。这一章通过创建一个新的项目、设计用户界面和编写基本代码,让读者熟悉EMGUCV的使用。 除此之外,书中的其他章节会进一步探讨图像处理技术,如图像的加载与保存、像素操作、颜色空间转换、滤波器应用、特征检测与匹配以及轮廓分析等。这些章节通常包含易于理解的理论解释和实际代码示例,有助于读者将理论知识转化为可执行的代码。 《EMGU CV Essentials》是一本全面的入门教程,适合对计算机视觉和EMGUCV感兴趣的.NET开发者。通过学习本书,读者不仅可以掌握EMGUCV的基础,还能了解计算机视觉领域的核心概念,从而为进一步的项目开发打下坚实的基础。
2015-06-26 上传
Preface 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Emgu CV 5 What is Emgu CV? 5 Comparing image-processing libraries 6 License agreement 6 Documentation and other material 7 Ease of use 7 Performance 8 Summary of the comparison 9 Advantages of Emgu CV 9 Cross-platform 9 Cross-language support with examples 9 Other advantages 10 Summary 10 Chapter 2: Installing Emgu CV 11 Downloading Emgu CV 11 Installing Emgu CV 11 Installing on Windows 11 Installing on Linux 16 Getting the dependency 16 Building Emgu CV from source 17 Installing on OS X 18 Getting the dependency 19 Building Emgu CV from source 19 Troubleshooting 20 Windows 20 Linux 21 OS X 22 Summary 22 Chapter 3: Hello World 23 Hello World in C# 23 Creating a new project 24 Designing our form 27 Coding 27 Output 29 Hello World in VB.NET 30 Hello World in C++ 31 Summary 32 Chapter 4: Wrapping OpenCV 33 Architecture overview 33 OpenCV 33 Emgu CV 34 Function mapping 36 Structure mapping 36 Enumeration mapping 37 Summary 37 Chapter 5: Working with Images 39 Digital image representation 39 Pixels and data 39 Pixel resolution 40 Color image representation 41 Color depth 43 Working with images 44 Creating an image 44 Loading an image from a file 46 Operations with pixels 47 Method naming rules 49 Using operator overload 50 Generic operations support 51 Garbage collection 51 XML serialization 52 Summary 53 Chapter 6: Working with Matrices 55 Matrix and the Image class 55 Definition and parameters 56 Working with matrices 56 Creating a matrix 57 Operations with elements 58 Summary 59 Chapter 7: Shape Detection 61 Canny Edge Detector 61 Hough transforms 63 Hough Line transform 63 Hough Circle transform 65 Contour 67 Contour finding 68 Representation of contours 68 Sequences of vertexes 68 Free chain codes 69 Drawing contours 69 Polygon approximations 70 A contours example 70 Summary 72 Chapter 8: Face Detection 73 Biometric systems 73 Camera captures 75 Machine learning 76 Face detection or the Haar classifier 77 Boosting theory and supervised learning 78 Haar-like features 78 Code for face detection 81 Summary 83 Chapter 9: License Plate Recognition 85 License Plate Recognition 85 Algorithms for LPR 86 OCR 87 Tesseract-OCR 88 Code for License Plate Recognition 88 Assumption 89 Source code 89 GetWhitePixelMask 90 DetectLicensePlate 91 FindLicensePlate 92 Output 93 Summary 93 Chapter 10: Image Stitching 95 Image stitching 95 Algorithms for image stitching 96 Image matching 96 Image calibration 97 Image blending 97 Code 98 Summary 99 Index 101