OMG VDML 1.1:企业价值交付的标准化分析设计语言

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OMG Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML) V1.1 是一种专为分析和设计企业运营提供标准建模语言的工具,特别强调创造和交换价值的过程。VDML的目标用户主要是商业人士,包括执行官、业务架构师、分析师和管理者,旨在帮助他们将战略、商业模式与企业的日常活动、角色和能力紧密结合。该语言通过抽象层面向业务决策者,同时为业务分析师提供足够的细节,以便将高层理念转化为具体的实施蓝图。 VDML的1.1版本在2018年10月发布,其官方参考文档位于 OMG 的官方网站 <>。机器可读文件可以在 <> 找到。该规范由 Agile Enterprise Design、Cordys Corporation B.V.、CSC 和 Object Management Group 共同制定,并受到版权保护。使用该规范时,应遵守 OMG 设定的条款、条件和通知,且明确指出这不构成对任何公司产品实施部分规范的承诺,所有内容均可能随时更新。 VDML的核心功能在于它允许设计者创建一个统一的框架来描述企业的价值创造流程,包括识别关键的价值驱动因素、业务流程、角色职责以及所需的技术和能力。它不仅有助于企业战略规划,还能作为信息系统分析师和设计师设计支持系统的基础,确保这些系统与企业的核心价值主张相一致。 在使用过程中,用户可以根据VDML模型进行深入分析,如识别价值流中的瓶颈、优化资源分配、评估风险和机会,以及监控业务性能。同时,它还支持跨部门协作,促进不同层级的沟通,确保企业在变化快速的商业环境中能够灵活应对并持续创新。 总结来说,OMG VDML V1.1 是一种强大的业务建模语言工具,它提供了一套标准化的方法论和语言结构,帮助企业有效地管理和提升价值交付能力。通过应用这个语言,组织可以更好地理解和管理复杂的业务过程,推动数字化转型和战略落地。
2019-08-29 上传
Ontology Definition Metamodel V1.1.pdf There are several compliance points distinguished for the Ontology Definition Metamodel. These include: 1. None or Not Compliant, meaning that the application in question is not compliant with a particular metamodel, as defined by the metamodel itself, the abstract syntax, well-formedness rules, semantics, and notation specified for a particular package or set of packages. 2. Compliant, meaning that the implementation fully complies with the abstract syntax, well-formedness rules, semantics and notation of a particular package or set of packages. 3. Interchange, indicating that the implementation provides compliance as specified in [2], and can exchange metamodel instances using ODM package conformant XMI. There are several possible entry points for implementations that want to provide/claim minimal compliance with the ODM. These require compliance with one of the following base metamodel packages: • RDFBase Metamodel Package (RDFBase is a sub package of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Metamodel Package). • Topic Maps (TM) Metamodel Package. • Common Logic (CL) Metamodel Package. For a given implementation to claim ODM compliance, it must be Compliant, as defined in 2, above, with one of these three packages. There are several compliance options available to vendors for the RDF Metamodel Package. These include: • RDFBase Only - as implied above, this package contains the set of elements requ ired for core RDF support, such as is necessary to support a triple store implementation; the focu s here is on the set of constructs defined in the RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax [RDF Concepts] document. • RDFBase + RDFWeb - provides core RDF support and fits these concepts to the World Wide Web. • RDFBase + RDFS - moves the implementation focus from core RDF to RDF Schema, as specified in [RDF Schema]. • RDF - meaning, the implementation supports all of the concepts defined in the three sub packages, which represents RDF Schema fitted to the Web. There are two possible compliance points for the OWL Metamodel Package. Each of these requires support for the entire RDF package, including the RDFWeb component. They include: • OWLBase + OWLDL - focus is on a description logics application that constrains an ontology in turn for DL decidability. • OWLBase + OWLFull - focus is on more expressive applications rather than on decidability of entailment. The complete set of ODM compliance options is summarized in Table 2.1.