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《C++实现Excel插件开发指南》是一本针对想要创建强大且可靠的Excel扩展工具的专业书籍。随着Excel的广泛应用,许多开发者积累了一定的C和C++编程经验,用于编写自定义函数。然而,由于缺乏充足的教材和资源,这个过程常常充满了试错的成分。作者写作本书的初衷是提供一个系统化的解释,包括相关的技术原理、开发步骤、避免的陷阱以及一个实用的参考手册,帮助读者轻松跨越C/C++与Visual Basic的性能鸿沟,同时利用编译后的C/C++语言和Excel C API所带来的巨大性能优势。 本书详细介绍了如何在C++中开发金融应用领域的Excel插件,特别是第二版的《使用C/C++进行Excel插件开发》,由Steve Dalton编著。该系列书籍是Wiley Finance系列的一部分,读者可以通过访问www.wiley.com/finance了解其他相关出版物。版权信息表明,此书受1988年英国版权法、设计法和专利法保护,未经John Wiley & Sons Ltd.书面许可,不得以任何形式复制、存储或传输,除非符合版权、设计和专利许可证的规定。 书中涵盖的知识点包括但不限于: 1. **Excel C API理解**:深入理解Excel应用程序接口(API),它是C/C++插件与Excel交互的核心桥梁,允许开发者访问Excel的工作簿、工作表、单元格和数据结构。 2. **C++编程基础**:讲解如何将C++语言的高效性和结构化编程应用于Excel插件开发,包括内存管理、错误处理和异常处理。 3. **模块化与设计原则**:介绍如何设计模块化的插件,保持代码整洁,并确保良好的可维护性和可扩展性。 4. **动态链接库(DLL)和XLL技术**:区分并解释DLL和XLL(Excel加载库)的优缺点,以及如何创建和部署这两种类型的插件。 5. **金融应用示例**:本书着重关注金融领域,提供实际的案例,如财务模型、数据分析和公式扩展,使读者能够将理论知识应用于实际场景。 6. **性能优化**:讨论如何通过C++提高插件的运行速度,减少内存消耗,以及避免潜在的性能瓶颈。 7. **调试和测试**:讲解了测试策略,包括单元测试和集成测试,确保插件在各种情况下都能稳定可靠地工作。 8. **实战教程与项目指导**:通过逐步指南,帮助读者从头开始,构建一个完整的Excel插件,并提供必要的代码示例和调试技巧。 《C++实现Excel插件开发指南》不仅提供了技术理论,还为开发者提供了一个实用的工具箱,使得使用C++开发Excel插件变得既有深度又易于实践,尤其是在金融应用方面。对于希望在这个领域深入探索的程序员来说,这是一本不可或缺的参考书籍。
2009-06-09 上传
This book is intended to provide the reader with a guide to the issues involved with creating powerful and reliable add-ins for Excel. With years of use, many people build up the experience and understanding needed to create custom functions for Excel in C and C++. However, given the very limited books and resources available, this can be a largely trial-and-error process. The motivation in writing this book is to create something I wish I had had through the years: a coherent explanation of the relevant technology, what steps to follow, what pitfalls to avoid, and a good reference guide. With these things at your side, writing C/C++ DLL and XLL resources can be almost as easy as writing them in Visual Basic, but yields the enormous performance benefit of compiled C/C++ and the Excel C API. In setting goals for this book, I was particularly inspired by two excellent books that I have grown to admire more and more over the years, as they have repeatedly proven their worth; The C Programming Language (Kernighan and Ritchie) and Numerical Recipes in C (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery), albeit that the style of C-coding of the latter can be somewhat dense. If this book achieves a fraction of the usefulness of either of these then you will, I hope, be happy to own it and I will be happy to have written it. This book is intended for anyone with at least solid C and/or C++ foundation skills, a good working knowledge of Excel, a little experience with VBA (though not necessary) and the need to make Excel do things it doesn’t really want to do, or do them faster, more cleanly, more flexibly. A reasonable grasp of basic software development concepts and techniques is assumed. (Section 1.1 Typographical and code conventions used in this book, on page 1, provides more detail of the coding style of the examples given.) The example add-in project included on the CD ROM is intended to demonstrate some of the most important or difficult concepts described in the book, as well as the possibilities that are opened up when you can really play with Excel. These reflect my professional background in the financial markets, although if you are not of that world, you should still find that the techniques described are very widely applicable. There is an enormous amount of material that could have been included in a book on this subject that has either been pared down to the briefest of coverage or omitted completely. I fully accept that there will be those who, perhaps rightly, feel that certain things should have been covered in a book that boasts such a title, and I can only apologise. Any future editions will, I hope, provide an opportunity to rectify the most heinous and unpopular of these shortcomings.
2018-01-17 上传
2024-09-12 上传
2024-09-12 上传
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