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The temperature control system based on single-chip microcontroller hardware part discussed in the document "学位论文—基于单片机温度控制系统硬件部分.doc" utilizes STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller as the detection and control center. The hardware components include LCD1602 liquid crystal display, DS18B20 temperature sensor, 7805 three-terminal regulator and other cost-effective and easy-to-use components. The programming is done in C language.
In consideration of design cost and production process, the system is designed to meet basic functional requirements with low cost, high performance, and expandability. The key focus of the design is on temperature control, single-chip microcontroller, temperature sensor, and temperature measurement.
The use of STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller provides a reliable and efficient control center for the temperature control system. The LCD1602 display enables users to monitor the temperature readings easily. The DS18B20 temperature sensor ensures accurate temperature measurements for precise control.
The 7805 three-terminal regulator ensures stable power supply for the system, ensuring consistent and reliable performance. The use of cost-effective components makes the system affordable and accessible for various applications. The programming in C language allows for flexible and customizable control algorithms to be implemented.
Overall, the temperature control system based on single-chip microcontroller hardware part provides a cost-effective solution for temperature control applications. The use of high-performance components and efficient programming ensures accurate and reliable temperature control. The system can be easily customized and expanded for different temperature control requirements, making it a versatile and practical solution for various applications.
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