
0 下载量 43 浏览量 更新于2024-03-20 收藏 896KB DOC 举报
stracted by the human body through the digestive system and circulated through the blood. Approximately 90% of the alcohol is expelled through the lungs, so measuring the alcohol content in exhaled breath can determine the level of intoxication. This alcohol detector uses an alcohol gas sensor as the probe, with an integrated circuit amplifying the signal and driving ten LEDs to display the alcohol concentration based on the signal voltage. Additionally, a microcontroller controls the signal conversion and outputs the results on a digital display. By simply blowing into the probe, the detector can accurately display the alcohol concentration of the person who has just consumed alcohol. Furthermore, by placing the probe near the mouth of a bottle, the detector can easily distinguish between different types of alcohol, such as white wine and yellow wine, and determine the alcohol content level. This alcohol detector is an important tool in preventing drunk driving and promoting road safety. By providing a quick and accurate way to measure alcohol levels, it can help deter individuals from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. The use of sensors, microcontrollers, and LED displays in this device demonstrates the effectiveness of modern technology in addressing social issues such as drunk driving. In conclusion, this alcohol detector serves as a practical and innovative solution to the problem of driving under the influence of alcohol, ultimately contributing to a safer and more responsible society.