精通Spring 5设计模式

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"Spring 5 Design Patterns.pdf 是一本由Dinesh Rajput编著的书籍,专注于介绍如何在Spring框架中应用设计模式进行高效的应用程序开发。书中详细讲解了如代理、单例、模板方法等多种设计模式,并且强调了这些模式在实际开发中的重要性。该书版权属于Packt Publishing,出版于2017年10月。" 在Spring框架中,设计模式是构建可扩展、灵活和可维护应用程序的关键工具。以下是几个在Spring 5中常见的设计模式及其详细说明: 1. **代理(Proxy)模式**:在Spring框架中,代理模式主要用于实现AOP(面向切面编程)。Spring通过动态代理机制创建对象的代理,允许在调用目标方法前后添加额外的行为,例如事务管理、日志记录等。 2. **单例(Singleton)模式**:Spring容器默认情况下会将所有bean配置为单例模式,这意味着在整个应用程序中,Spring只会创建该bean的一个实例。这有助于资源的有效管理和内存优化。 3. **模板方法(Template Method)模式**:Spring的JdbcTemplate和RestTemplate是模板方法模式的实例。它们定义了一个操作的步骤,而具体的操作步骤则由子类实现。这种模式提供了代码复用和解耦,使得开发者可以专注于业务逻辑,而不用关心底层的数据库交互或HTTP请求处理。 4. **工厂(Factory)模式**:Spring通过BeanFactory和ApplicationContext接口实现了工厂模式,用于创建和管理bean。开发者可以通过自定义工厂类或者XML配置来控制bean的创建过程。 5. **依赖注入(Dependency Injection, DI)模式**:这是Spring的核心特性,它允许将对象之间的依赖关系通过外部容器(如Spring IoC容器)来管理,而不是由对象自己负责查找和管理依赖。这增强了代码的可测试性和灵活性。 6. **策略(Strategy)模式**:Spring的AOP和事件处理机制都体现了策略模式。例如,用户可以根据需求选择不同的通知策略,Spring会根据配置使用相应的策略执行行为。 7. **装饰器(Decorator)模式**:Spring的AOP代理(JDK动态代理和CGLIB代理)就是装饰器模式的运用,可以在不改变对象原有行为的基础上,添加新的功能或行为。 8. **状态(State)模式**:在Spring MVC中,视图解析和模型绑定过程中,控制器可能会根据请求的状态(如URL、请求参数等)改变其行为,这就是状态模式的体现。 9. **观察者(Observer)模式**:Spring事件机制就是基于观察者模式,允许组件之间订阅和发布事件,实现松耦合的通信。 通过理解和应用这些设计模式,开发者能够更好地利用Spring框架的优势,构建出更加健壮、易于维护和扩展的Java应用程序。同时,书中的内容还可能涵盖了如何在实际项目中应用这些模式,以及解决可能出现的问题和挑战。
2018-02-24 上传
Spring 5 Design Patterns is for all Java developers who want to learn Spring for the enterprise application. Therefore, enterprise Java developers will find it particularly useful in the understanding of design patterns used by the Spring Framework and how it solves common design problems in the enterprise application, and they will fully appreciate the examples presented in this book. Before reading this book, readers should have basic knowledge of Core Java, JSP, Servlet, and XML. Spring 5 Framework is newly launched by Pivotal with reactive programming. Spring 5 introduces many new features and enhancements from its previous version. We will discuss all this in the book. Spring 5 Design Patterns will give you in-depth insight about the Spring Framework. The great part of today's Spring Framework is that all companies have already taken it as a primary framework for development of the enterprise application. For Spring, no external enterprise server is needed to start working with it. The goals of writing this book are to discuss all design patterns used behind the Spring Framework and how they are implemented in the Spring Framework. Here, the author has also given you some best practices that must be used in the design and development of the application. The book contains 12 chapters that cover everything from the basics to more complex design pattern such as reactive programming. Spring 5 Design Patterns is divided into three sections. The first section introduces you to the essentials of the design patterns and the Spring Framework. The second section steps behind the front end and shows where Spring fits in the back end of an application. The third section expands on this by showing how to build web applications with Spring and introducing a new feature of the Spring 5 reactive programming. This part also shows how to handle concurrency in the enterprise application.
2021-03-19 上传