Enhancement of the Variable Universe of Discourse
Control By Hammersley Sequence-Based TP Model
Guoliang Zhao and Wei Wu
School of mathematical Sciences
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Email: guolzhao@mail.dlut.edu.cn
Degang Wang
Faculty of Electronic Information and Electronic Engineering
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Email: wangdg@dlut.edu.cn
Abstract—The main results of the paper concern the enhanced
tensor product model transformation-based variable universe of
discourse controller (EHTPVUD) design, which uses Hammersley
sampling method to generate hyper-cube grid for higher order
singular value decomposition. Moreover, Hammersley sampling
method-based parallel distributed compensation is also proposed
as a comparison to the newly proposed variable universe of dis-
course controller. Error and error derivative are synthesized by
the gains which are generated by Hammersley sampling method-
based parallel distributed compensation. Then, EHTPVUD is
designed based on the error universe of discourse and error
derivative universe of discourse. Finally, EHTPVUD is tested by
the gantry crane stabilization control problem and gantry crane
tracking control problem.
Keywords—hammersley sampling method; TP model trans-
formation; variable universe of discourse (VUD); higher-order
singular value decomposition (HOSVD); parallel distributed com-
pensation (PDC); TP model transformation-based PDC (TPPDC).
Cranes are widely used in industry, and also are a hot topic
in under-actuated system control. There exist many papers
on the crane modeling and crane control, to name a few, to
controller design problem of overhead crane system, an error
tracking controller which is able to use the pre-specified error
trajectories is proposed [1]. A sliding mode control method
which ensures satisfactory control performance even when
the overhead crane works under unfavorable conditions is
proposed. The asymptotic stability of the desired equilibrium
point is backed up with rigorous Lyapunov-based analysis [2].
The control problem of a non-uniform gantry crane system has
been addressed, and the controller design concerns the tension
in the constrained case [3], and system’s payload is connected
by a flexible cable to the top gantry. A hoisting 3D crane has
been studied in [4], an effective payload sway controller which
uses output-based command shaping technique is proposed. To
optimal control of 3D crane, an integral sliding mode-based
nonlinear optimal controller is proposed for the crane control.
The optimal controller guarantees the system state converge
to a neighborhood of the equilibrium at the steady state [5].
A wind disturbance compensation method is considered in
an overhead crane control [6], issues such as state simulator
of the crane control, problems of load operation, positioning
under different wind disturbances, and the main elements of
a dynamic model with a state simulator have been studied in
this work. To a laboratory tower crane, the tower crane uses a
path-following controller and a model predictive controller to
tackle real-time system constraints and small sampling time
constraint [7]. In [8], controller of a gantry crane teaching
experiment system is proposed, the controller has been verified
by open-loop and closed-loop experiment simulation. To the
controller design of overhead crane, the authors proposed a
novel two-step design strategy, the motion planning controller
is used by the adaptive tracking controller [9]. In [10], a
new control scheme for a 3D tower crane with friction item
is proposed, tensor product model transformation is used
for controller design, and the nonlinear feedback controller
uses a neural network to compensate the friction effect. For
more work on crane control strategies, please refer to the
comprehensive review which discussed the recently published
work during the time interval from 2000 to 2016 [11].
Variable universe of discourse (VUD) theory which is
proposed for the quadruple inverted pendulum and spatial
quadruple inverted pendulum control [12], [13], [14], has been
widely used in under-actuated system control. For instance,
a VUD fuzzy controller is embedded into an analog circuit
[15]. Fuzzy controller using IF-THEN rules was applied to a
300kA aluminum electrolysis cell, and higher control quality
was obtained based on contraction-expansion factors in the
fuzzy control theory[16]. In [17], [18], contraction-expansion
factors are proposed for chaotic control systems, and the newly
proposed fuzzy controller presented some approximation prop-
erties. In VUD control, the error and error derivative are
used in constructing the fuzzy rules. VUD controller reaches
highly accurate control when the system is in a steady state
[19]. In [20], a novel variable universe of discourse fuzzy
control approach which is designed based on an adaptive
nonbackstepping design algorithm is proposed for a class
of single-input-single-output strict-feedback nonlinear systems
with unknown dead-zone. A tensor-based modeling method
and a tensor product (TP) model transformation-based control
method are also used for morphing aircraft control problem
8th International Conference on Information Science and Technology
June 30-Jul
6, 2018; Granada, Cordoba, and Seville, Spain
978-1-5386-3782-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 401