CSci 235 Software Design and Analysis II
Introduction to Recursion
Prof. Stewart Weiss
pairs must be the number of pairs alive in month
n − 1
, plus the number of new ospring born at the start
of month
. All pairs alive in month
n − 2
contribute their pair in month
, so there are
f(n − 1) + f(n − 2)
rabbit pairs alive in month
. The recursive denition of this sequence is thus
f (n) =
1 if n ≤ 2
f(n − 1) + f (n − 2) if n > 2
This will generate the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and so on. A recursive algorithm to
compute the nth Fibonacci number, for
n > 0
, is given below, written as a C/C++ function.
int fibonacci (int n)
if ( n <= 2 )
return 1;
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);
Although this looks simple, it is very inecient. If you write out a box trace of this function you will see
that it leads to roughly
function calls to nd the
Fibonacci number. This is because it computes
many values needlessly. There are far better ways to compute these numbers.
Choosing k Out of n Objects
A well-known and common combinatorial (counting) problem is how many distinct ways there are to pick
objects from a collection of
distinct objects. For example, if I want to pick 10 students in the class of 30,
how many dierent sets of 10 students can I pick? I do not care about the order of their names, just who is
in the set. Let
c(n, k)
represent the number of distinct sets of
objects out of a collection of
The solution can be dicult to nd with a straight-forward attack, but a recursive solution is quite simple.
Let me rephrase the problem using the students in the class. Suppose I single out one student, say student
X. Then there are two possibilities: either X is in the group I choose or X is not in the group.
How many solutions are there with X in the group? Since X is in the group, I need to pick
k − 1
students from the remaining
n − 1
students in the class. Therefore, there are
c(n − 1, k − 1)
sets that contain
student X.
What about those that do not contain X? I need to pick
students out of the remaining
n − 1
students in
the class, so there are
c(n − 1, k)
It follows that
c(n, k) = c(n − 1, k − 1) + c(n − 1, k)
is large enough. Of course there are no ways to form groups of size
k > n
, so
c(n, k) = 0
k > n
. If
k = n
, then there is only one possible group, namely the whole class, so
c(n, k) = 1
k = n
. And
k = 0
, then there is just a single group consisting of no students, so
c(n, k) = 1
k = 0
. In all other
cases, the recursive denition applies. Therefore the recursive denition with its base cases, is
c(n, k) =
1 k = 0
1 k = n
0 k > n
c(n − 1, k − 1) + c(n − 1, k) 0 < k < n
Once again it is easy to write a C/C++ function that computes this recursively by applying the denition: