
0 下载量 143 浏览量 更新于2024-03-03 收藏 1.81MB PPTX 举报
本教案主要介绍了高级UI控件中的导航控制器和表视图的相关知识点。导航控制器和表视图密不可分,导航控制器的功能并不一定需要表视图,但在实际应用中,通常需要实现至少一个表视图甚至多个表视图。导航控制器的强大之处在于它能够处理复杂的分层数据,在小屏幕上连续使用表示分层数据最理想的方式。教案中还介绍了案例分析中的根视图控制器、二级视图控制器和三级视图控制器,以及创建第一级控制器的方式。通过学习本教案,学生可以充分理解导航控制器和表视图的相关知识,掌握在实际应用中如何使用导航控制器和表视图来构建iOS应用程序。 Overall, this teaching plan covers the main points of advanced UI controls, navigation controllers, and table views. It emphasizes the interdependence between navigation controllers and table views as well as the importance of using them together in practical applications. The plan also provides a detailed analysis of root view controllers, second-level view controllers, and third-level view controllers, as well as the process of creating the first-level controller. Through studying this plan, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the navigation controllers and table views in iOS application development.