for rare or unknown words. Indeed, manually engineered heuristics do not quite fully
characterize all intricacies of spoken language. For this reason, feature extraction
can also be done with trained models. The line between the feature extractor and
the acoustic model can then become blurry, especially for deep models. In fact, a
tendency that is common across all areas where deep models have overtaken traditional
machine learning techniques is for feature extraction to consist of less heuristics, as
highly nonlinear models become able to operate at higher levels of abstraction.
A common feature extraction technique is to build frames that will integrate
surrounding context in a hierarchical fashion. For example, a frame at the syllable level
could include the word that comprises it, its position in the word, the neighbouring
syllables, the phonemes that make up the syllable, ... The lexical stress and accent
of individual syllables can be predicted by a statistical model such as a decision tree.
To encode prosody, a set of rules such as ToBI (Beckman and Elam, 1997) can be
used. Ultimately, there remains a work of feature engineering to present a frame as a
numerical object to the model, e.g. categorical features are typically encoded using a
one-hot representation.
The reason why the acoustic model does not directly predict an audio waveform
is that audio happens to be difficult to model: it is a particularly dense domain
and audio signals are typically highly nonlinear. A representation that brings out
features in a more tractable manner is the time-frequency domain. Spectrograms
are smoother and much less dense than their waveform counterpart. They also have
the benefit of being two-dimensional, thus allowing models to better leverage spatial
connectivity. Unfortunately, a spectrogram is a lossy representation of the waveform
that discards the phase. There is no unique inverse transformation function, and
deriving one that produces natural-sounding results is not trivial. When referring to
speech, this generative function is called a vocoder. The choice of the vocoder is an
important factor in determining the quality of the generated audio.
As is often the case with tasks that involve generating perceptual data such as
images or audio, a formal and objective evaluation of the performance of the model
is difficult. In our case, we’re concerned with evaluating speech naturalness and voice
similarity of the generated audio. Older TTS methods often relied on statistics com-
puted on the waveform or on the acoustic features to compare different models. Not
only are those metrics often only weakly correlated with the human perception of
sound, but they would also typically be what the model was aiming to minimize.
“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure” (Strathern, 1997).
A recent tendency adopted in TTS is to perform a subjective evaluation with human
subjects and to report their Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The subjects are presented
with a series of audio segments and are asked to rate their naturalness (or similarity
when comparing two segments) on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Because subjects do not
necessarily rate actual human speech with a 5, it may be possible for TTS systems to
surpass humans on this metric in the future. (Shirali-Shahreza and Penn, 2018) argue
that MOS is not a metric adapted to evaluate TTS systems, and they advocate using
A/B testing instead, where subjects are asked to say which audio segment they prefer