
0 下载量 180 浏览量 更新于2024-02-28 收藏 788KB PDF 举报
SequenceInputStreamDemo.java is a Java program that demonstrates the use of SequenceInputStream, which allows for the concatenation of two input streams. The program imports various classes from the java.io package and creates a new class called SequenceInputStreamDemo. Within this class, a main method is defined, which throws an IOException. The main method outlines the need to concatenate the contents of two input streams, a.txt and b.txt, and then append the output to c.txt. To achieve this, the program uses the SequenceInputStream class, which takes two input streams as parameters and effectively merges their contents into a single input stream. By utilizing SequenceInputStream, this program demonstrates a more efficient and streamlined approach to combining input streams, eliminating the need to manually concatenate the input files. The program exemplifies how to achieve the desired output using SequenceInputStream, offering a practical demonstration of its usage. In summary, SequenceInputStreamDemo.java provides a basic introduction to the fundamental concepts of SequenceInputStream in Java, showcasing its capabilities in concatenating input streams and simplifying file manipulation operations. This entry-level example serves as a starting point for understanding the utility of SequenceInputStream within the broader context of Java programming.
2021-10-04 上传