COL 12(8), 080602(2014) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS August 10, 2014
Transmission characteristics of photonic crystal fiber gas
cell used in freque ncy stabilized laser
Chongde Huang (
, Dijun Chen (
Haiwen Cai (
, Ronghui Qu (
, and Weibiao Chen (
Key Laboratory of Space Laser Communication and Detection Technology,
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Corresponding author: djchen@siom.ac.cn;
corresponding author: hwcai@siom.ac.cn
Received March 3, 2014; accepted April 29, 2014; posted online July 18, 2014
We measure the transmission characteristics of hollow-core ph otonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF) gas cells with
ferrule- and fusion-spliced configurations, and near- and far-field images of the HC-PCF are observed.
Results show that the center of mass (COM) of the far-field image varies with the laser frequency and
temperature, and the moving COM relates to the oscillatory transmission. Using a model of the spatial
interference, we first demonstrate that mainly t he modes with asymmetric phase distributions affect t he
COM position. The frequency stabilization performances of the lasers are compared. The fusion-spliced
gas cell sh ows better performance than the ferrule-spliced one.
OCIS codes: 060.2270, 060.4005, 140.3425, 350.6090.
doi: 10.3788/COL201412.080602.
is one of the most important greenhouse gases. Mea-
surements show that the CO
density in the atmosphere
is presently higher than that in the past 420000 years;
hence, understanding the evolution of CO
in the global
scale is important
. The integrated path differential ab-
sorption (IPDA) lidar possesses advantages, such as high
precision and low bias for measuring CO
density in the
atmosphere. A frequency stabilized laser with a r e ference
gas cell is a key in IPDA lidar technology
. Because
the laser frequency is locked at the weak CO
R18 ab-
sorption line near 1572.02 nm, a gas cell with lo ng o p-
tical path is necessary
. Hollow-core photonic crys-
tal fibers (HC-PCFs) have been used to produce com-
pact and robust gas ce lls with long absorption length
The HC-PCFs are recently commercially available
. To
build an all-fiber gas cell, coupling the HC-PCF with a
standard single mode fiber (SMF) or a multimode fiber
(MMF) is necessary. However, the gas cell o ften exhibits
an oscillatory background in its transmission spectrum,
which is considered due to the effect of HC-PCF’s sur-
face modes
. Our results show that the far -field of
the HC-PCF’s output changes with laser fre quency, and
leads to fluctuation of the power coupled to the subse-
quent fiber. Varia tions in background transmission re-
sult in spurious signals fo r the frequency reference a nd
degrade the frequency stability of the seed laser.
In this letter, we compare the transmission characteris-
tics of ferrule- and fusion-spliced HC-PCF gas cells. We
measure the fa r-field pattern and variations in center-of-
mass (COM) with the laser frequency and temperature.
By performing the method of sliding-window Fourier
transform on the transmission spectrum
, the co n-
tents of the HC-PCF are analyzed, and their effective
refractive indexes are deduced. A semi-empirical model
based on the spatial interference between the HC-PCF
modes is proposed to analyze the far-field variations.
Here we re veal that variations in COM are mainly at-
tributed to the coupling of the fundamental mode with
the non- axial symmetric phase distribution modes, such
as the LP
and LP
-like modes. The frequency stabi-
lization performance of the laser is presented, and the
fusion-spliced structure yields better results than the
ferrule-spliced one.
The HC-PCF (HC-1550 -02, NKT Photonics, USA) is
used to make a c ompact and robust CO
-filled gas cell
with long absorption length for the laser as the frequency
. The core diameter of this HC-PCF is 10 µm
and its attenuation is about 30 dB/km
. Two configu-
rations of gas c e lls are made in our work, as shown in Fig.
1. The length of HC-PCF is 10 m in the ferrule-spliced
configuration and 15 m in the fusion-splice configuration
respectively. The input ports are both fusion-splicing
with standard SMFs. The losses of the input s plices are
about 2 dB and they are repeatable. Because the core
of the HC-PCF is larger than the SMF’s, we connect the
MMF of 50 µm core diameter to the HC-PCF’s output
end to reduce the insertion loss. For the ferrule-spliced
configuration, the HC-PCF is s e aled into a FC/PC ce-
ramic ferrule and connected to the MMF with cera mic
ferrule by a sleeve. There is a gap of about 20 µm be -
tween the two fibers, which is used to evacuate or fill the
gas. Afterward, the splice is sealed with epoxy to keep the
gas with the re quired pressure. On the other hand,
for the fusion-spliced configura tion, the MMF is fusion
splicing to the HC-PCF after filling CO
in the HC-PCF
at the required pressure. The insertion loss of the ferrule-
spliced gas cell is 3.5 dB, and the fusion-spliced gas cell’s
is 2.8 dB.
Here the light from a distributed-feedback laser diode
(DFB-LD) is injected throug h the gas cells and a photo
detector (PD) is use d to record the transmission power.
The transmission spectrums of the two gas cells are ob-
tained by scanning the freq uency of this DFB-LD. Fig-
ure 2 s hows the measured curves in which fluctuations
are noticed obviously. The percentages of peak-to-peak
fluctuation to the average are 11.9% and 8.4%. Figure 3
1671-7694/2014/080602(5) 080602-1
2014 Chinese Optics Letters